letter n i n e

33 5 0

dear dylan,

looking back, the o n e memory that really sticks into my brain is when you first said i love you.

you drove me to a beautiful cliff and we sat on the edge watching the dark blue waves crash against the rugged shore.

you tilted your head to look at me, i saw it from the corner of my eye.

i looked up at you, "its beautiful here!" i said. "but not as beautiful as you," you replied, staring d e e p l y into my eyes.

it was at that moment i knew; i was in love. i knew then it wasn't a c r u s h, it was so much more.

i didn't tell you; i was too scared that you wouldn't say it back. but i knew for sure i was in love.

i was in l o v e with the way your eyes crinkled up when you laughed.

i was in l o v e with the way you said my name, it would just roll of your tongue.
"flora baby, you're so cute!" you would say to me. i would always blush and turn a deep shade of red. you would just laugh and pull me in for a kiss.

i was in l o v e with the way you would calm me down when i was mad. you would wrap your arms around me and whisper sweet nothings in my ear.

i was also in l o v e with all your flaws, though you didn't have many.

the way you would get angry easily. i always calmed you down by kissing you and telling you it was okay.

the way you would get jealous so often. i would have to tell you that you were the only one for me.

i was head over heals in l o v e. but i couldn't tell you. i just c o u l d n ' t.

apparently that night though, you felt something too. because while we were sitting on that gorgeous cliff, you pushed your lips against mine and said, "i love you flora jones."

well that all has c h a n g e d.

because now you love rose. of course i still am in l o v e with you, but i know you don't love me back.

and it hurts more than ever.

a/n: 400 WORDS oo thats the longest chapter i've written. i'd like to say thank you for getting me to almost 100 reads and while for some people its not that many, to me it is. love you all sooo much !!!!!!

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