dear dylan,
my f a v o r i t e day ever is when you first asked me out.
i was studying in the library, being the nerd i am.
i always admired you from a distance, too scared to actually talk to you.
but you always smiled at me.
as i sat in the library, silently reading my books, i heard you and your group of jock friends.
you caught my eye especially.
you looked at me, winked and walked away with my friends.
around one hour later, i realized i had to go home.
i packed my stuff up, and was just about to leave, when you came up to me.
"flor, i've always liked you. you're so adorable, shy, pretty, nice and i really want to get to know you better. will you go out with me?" you asked.
i was so happy and i nodded wordlessly.
at that time, i thought that was the sweetest thing ever.
but now i know it was all bullshit.
utter bullshit.
always yours,
flora jones
letters for him
Poetryshe wanted to tell him everything, but she couldn't muster up the courage to. so she wrote letters to him instead.