Hope It Gives Him Hell

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Penelope took a deep breath and looked herself up and down in the mirror. The action was becoming much easier with time, she realized. Now, when she stared at her reflection, instead of pointing out each of her flaws, she was able to also point out one thing she liked. It wasn't much, but it was a start, and she couldn't help but be proud of herself for it. Today, after listing the cellulite on her thighs, the bloated pouch of her belly, and the bags under her eyes, Penelope was able to then add that her boobs looked especially good that day. Thank you, puberty, she thought with a chuckle.

Of course, then her mother's voice crept into her head, and she quickly slipped on some shapewear to smooth out her rolls. When she felt sufficiently squeezed into the sausage casing, Penelope stepped into a flared black dress that pushed up her cleavage and flowed past her waist, stopping just above her knees. 

"Penelope, I am not saying you're not a beautiful girl," Portia's voice rang out. "I am just saying that you need to find clothes that are more flattering to your figure. It is the same thing I tell all of you girls. Phillipa cannot wear halter tops because they make her shoulders look too broad, just as Prudence cannot wear heels because they make her too tall. You ought not be so sensitive about it, Penelope. Now, while I prefer you in yellow, black can be very slimming," she said, offering up the exact dress she was now wearing.

Much as Penelope loathed to admit it, her mother was right, and the dress did well to hide her insecurities. Not wanting to dwell on the issue anymore, she plopped down in front of the mirror and poured the contents of her makeup bag onto the floor. Then she proceeded to paint her face with shades of pinks and reds, hoping that the end result resembled something that her date might find attractive.

Her date. Penelope couldn't believe she was going on a date with Reggie. If her fifteen year old self could see her now, she'd have an aneurysm. It had all happened so quickly, but Penelope was actually quite excited. After Violet's birthday incident, she had taken Reggie to a nearby restroom so that she could 'tend to his wounds'. She felt somewhat obligated, knowing she played a part in Colin's anger that night.

"I'm so sorry, Reggie. I don't know what's gotten into him," she said, motioning for him to sit in front of her. She didn't even have to crouch, as his face was just inches from hers, which meant she had to stare right into those gorgeous green eyes of his.

"Don't apologize for him, Red," he said, managing a smile as she placed a cold washcloth to his face. 

"I feel like I should," she insisted, gently dabbing the swollen area. "He's been such an ass since I told him I wanted space. I just can't believe he took it out on you. He's never done anything like this before."

"Right," Reggie said tightly, looking away.

Penelope could tell he had more to say. "What?" She prompted, dropping her hand.

"Nothing," he said, shaking his head.

Penelope crossed her arms and pouted. "Reggie."

"Red," he replied in the same tone. She shot him a look, and he sighed. "Listen, I don't want to ruin your perfect image of him."

She snorted. "Believe me, Colin has ruined that all on his own. Now tell me."

"Look it was a while ago. I don't want to rehash it."

"Reggie," she said sweetly, dragging her hand along his arm, drawing circles in his skin. "If you tell me, I'll let you take me out on a date." She didn't know what had gotten into her, but she suddenly felt bold.

He shivered under her touch. "You are a very dangerous woman, Red," he said, swallowing his nerves.

She shrugged, smiling innocently. "I can be. Now tell me what Colin did."

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