Whatever Lies Beyond This Morning is a Little Later On

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A/N: Dedicated to @larryyyyyy2482 for guessing the lie first! ^^

Also this is just a quick filler sorry! I'm still kind of trying to figure out how I'm gonna end this story (since this story has to end) and yeah.

BUT... this chapter is in a pretty special POV so I hope y'all enjoy it and you always seem to, so fingers crossed!


I could hear Scott and Mitch yelling even after I left their house.

I couldn't help but feel guilty. If I had never asked Mitch for advice on how to break up with Scott, none of this would've happened.

But, still, I can't imagine what Mitch must be feeling right now.

Scott looked really pissed when I left, and now he sounds really pissed.

Scott never gets angry, but when he does, he gets angry.

However, Mitch sounds just as pissed as Scott does.

And Mitch is like Scott when it came to anger.

It's like when a warm front and a cold front collide, forming a swirling tornado that lifts things off the ground and destroys everything in its path.

I shook my head and continued my trek to my car.

This argument was between Mitch and Scott and I shouldn't get involved and eavesdrop.

The sound of their raised voices was then drowned out by Taylor Swift as I turned the ignition.

I sighed and backed out of the driveway, driving away.


This may be the shortest update of this book so far lol sorry.

But as I was writing this, I figured out the ending!

So that's fun!

I'm not gonna have a two truths and a lie bc I'm too tired to come up with some.

I'm so sorry this was so short guys. I'll be going back to regular-length chapters soon. Maybe even longer chapters! I dunno. We'll just have to see.

Don't forget to vote and comment!


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