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The warm butterbeer slid down my throat making me shiver in pleasure. I closed my eyes savoring the moment of bliss. The morning and myself never saw eye to eye, I normally enjoy the toasty sensation my bed and blanket gives me. But the morning never brings me that. The morning always produced cold, thick, air and frost covered windows, which are definitely not to my liking. Butterbeer fixes that, though. Because for a moment, my entire body floods with that warmth I love.

I grab my small pouch that contains my books and sit up straight from my un-made bed. As I left my dorm room I began to feel unsettled again, the warmth was gone, and the frigid air was definite. The common room dungeon didn't help a thing, the gray stone walls only held an icy displeasing temperature.

Obviously, this wasn't a problem for Draco Malfoy. I thought as I witnessed him speaking rather loudly to a crowd of Slytherin students. Draco is a living form of snow, his appearance reflects his personality quite perfectly. His white hair, gray eyes, and pale skin all shot a icy pain in my stomach.

In my earlier years at Hogwarts, Draco and I were quite close. We used to order everyone around, make them follow us, you know... things like that. Although we had so much power in our hands, Draco and I always had a deeper bond than just enjoying the skill we had. We were the best of friends since day one. Until he found out.

Even thinking of our relationship leaves a horrible taste in my mouth. The Draco now, makes me want to puke.

"What's this? The poor excuse for a Slytherin came out of hibernation?" Draco spat at me, as he sat on his throne-like couch. People were surrounding him were snarling at me just as cruel.

"I don't like mornings Draco you know this." I said stiffly still walking. He can't get into my head today. Although thinking about the past made me weak.

"Did I say you could speak to me? MudBlood!" Draco scoffed and crossed his arms, staring at me with his cold, gray eyes.

"No, but I stated my reasoning because I can. Not that I need your permission anyhow." I shot him a glare with my brown blazing eyes.

I heard a few "oo's" from a group that wasn't surrounding Malfoy, but the group that was, looked like they would hex me with the nastiest spell they could manage. But all Malfoy did, was smirked.

I just turned my head back to its original position and began walking onto my path to potions class. I was used to these remarks. Even if I wasn't, I wouldn't have shown them any emotion anyway. I don't know why Draco tries to insult me, because I know insulting a brick wall like me isn't fun.

Being a muggle born isn't my fault anyway. I didn't choose to be this way, it just sort of happened. A part of me is glad Draco found out I was a muggle born, I don't have to hide it from him, or anyone anymore. I just have to be myself, which is fine. Pleasing him is on the bottom of my priority list.

I met my boyfriend Alex Percic at the end of the hall, where lately he has been waiting for me. He was looking dashing, as always. His jet black hair was combed and styled into a quiff, making it easier for me to see his eyes. I loved his eyes, they made me forget of everything, all my troubles and doubts were gone once I looked in them. They were a color of electric, dark, blue, and they had me pulled in since they first met my own set of brown eyes.

I'm extremely lucky to have him. You see, I don't have the best reputation here. Because a slimy little git named Draco Malfoy ruined that for me.

"Good Morning love." Alex pulled me into a sweet kiss that had my insides warm again.

"Good Morning Alex, how are you?" I wasn't just asking because It's the right thing to do, I really wanted to know how he was. I care.

"I'm good. A little tired, want me to walk you to class?" he offered with a smile showing every one of his perfect teeth.

"As long as you're not late." I agreed

"Am I ever?" He smiled at me, charmingly. "Ravenclaw's class starts just a bit after Slytherin." He informed me

"Alright," I smile

Alex grabs the side of my waist and pulls me toward him, making me feel protected. We walk to class chatting about endless nonsense that were happening in our lives, despite it all, we were happy together.

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