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Aurora Sinistra lead me to Dumbledore's office, her hand was tightly clenched around my arm. My heart was beating loudly, but I tried to ignore it the best that I could.

But when I got into his office, my heart broke, and I couldn't ignore that. From what I could see, Alex's face was bruised up and his nose was slightly bent. I wiggled out of my teacher's grasp and paced to over Alex.

"Alex! What- what happened?" I held his face examining it. He looked pretty banged up, although his blue eyes still were still shining like glossy diamonds.

"A harmful spell was casted on him during class." Dumbledore answered me and I blushed.

"But, who casted it?" I looked at Dumbledore, then Alex.

But Alex wasn't looking back at me. He was looking at an emotionless Draco Malfoy behind me. Draco's arms were crossed over his chest as he stared at Alex blankly. He wasn't nearly as bruised as Alex was. With that I knew exactly who did this to him. And he doesn't care at all.

"Boys, could you please excuse us?" Dumbledore ordered them in a calm fashion.

Alex and Draco gladly walked out of the room. Leaving me and Dumbledore alone together. I was terrified.

"What is your relationship between Alex Percic and Draco Malfoy?" Dumbledore pierced me with his eyes. Examining my body language and words. I felt a bit nervous as I rubbed my arm repeatedly.

"Alex is my boyfriend, sir. And Draco is um. a former friend." I played my words carefully.


"Yes, former." I answered.

"Do you know anything that could have caused the fight between these two boys."

My heart raced at the question. I don't want to get Alex in any trouble. And I also don't know who started the fight. I wasn't there to witness it.

"Well, I didn't know a fight was going to happen. If that's what your asking." I acted confused, putting off the question.

"I am asking if you know the purpose of the fight, since I know that you are close to them." he explained and I nodded my head.

"No sir."

"You do know there is a quite big consequence for lying to the headmaster. Especially after skipping class." I turned extremely red. Theres no turning back.

"Sorry sir. But, It's complicated. Draco and I have... bad blood, I guess. He teases me often. I mean, maybe that's why he went after my boyfriend? The connection?" I guessed. There was a sick feeling in my stomach. I was still worried about Alex.

"Mr Percic told me the same thing. Thank you for telling the truth Victoria." Dumbledore nodded as I shivered.

I tried to step back out of his office immediately. I wanted to give Draco a few more bruises. It looked like he didn't have enough.

"I'm not finished. Boys! Get back in here." Dumbledore called.

Alex and Draco walked back into his office. They both looked very angry, they must have been fighting.

"Alex, since you did not start the fight, you are off the hook. And as for you two," Dumbledore looked down at Draco and me. "You both will be punished by being held in a room together. It will begin tomorrow, for three days after class."

I felt panic run through my body.

"But. Why me? Why do I need to be punished?" I asked hastily

"Because you missed class when you were perfectly capable of going. Things like that has circumstances, Ms Victoria." Dumbledore put it simply, I hung my head in shame.

"Professor, there has got to be another way." Draco tried to talk him out of it, and for once, I actually agreed with him.

"Whats done is done. And what is done, can't be undid."

"Go to your dorms."

"Alex. Alex wait!" I ran quickly trying to catch up with my speeding boyfriend. If Filch was around, he would be in a heap of trouble.

"Vic." He finally stopped and turned to face me.

"I'm very... worked up. okay?" He spoke firmly. Although there were an edge to his voice.

"Well, I can see that but-." I placed my hand on his shoulder in attempts to comfort him, but he didn't react.

"Listen, I need time to think. Okay? Just think. Were not taking a break, but if I'm honest with myself, being in a relationship with you is a lot of work. It's distracting and exhausting to get teased so much for just being your boyfriend. Please, I just need some space."

"Space?" I croaked. "We can get through this together! I mean, I've been teased since I was eleven! Why can't you just try to make it work?" I was shouting at him now, I never wanted to shout at him.

"Vic, I will do anything for you. I really, really care about you. I hate how everyone pushes your buttons, but it's gone too far for me. I need my health. Just let me breathe, alright?"

"Yeah... Breathe." I stared at him. There were no words for my heartbreak. At least we were still together. At least I think we are.

I can understand Alex's pain. I thought as I laid on my bed, staring at my celling again.

Who would want to be put through all that suffering and teasing? I'm basically just tearing him down. I'm sure it is distracting.

I'm sorry Alex. I'm so, so sorry.

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