a normal day- chapter 1

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today was a normal day. 6 am my alarm clock goes off. i wake up in my satin sheets with 3 blankets tightly wrapped around me. "ughhhhhhhh" i groan.
it's another day, same old same old. it's not that i hate my job, it's just that it gets boring sometimes. i wish i could meet more people where i work, well i mean employees specifically.

i slowly get out of bed slipping my feet into a pair of slippers (that's why they are called that ... omg laugh im so funny) and make my way to the kitchen.  i grab a mug out of the cupboard and make myself a cup of instant coffee. i'm a broke grad school scientist who could give less of a shit about good coffee, i just need something to wake me up, and quick because i can't be late to my job again.
while my coffee is brewing i go to my answering machine to see if i missed any calls.
only one? i thought to myself. i thought i was popular. actually i have absolutely no friends who could want me? was it from my boss?

"hello y/n, just calling you to make sure you get here on time tomorrow , i need my assistant and you fulfill that obligation. call me back as soon as you can with my schedule for the day"

oh shit, i got blackout drunk last night and totally forgot to grab the phone when it rang, actually no, good thing i didn't because i don't want my boss hearing me drunk saying something stupid.

i pick of the receiver and start dialing on my phone. "5....5...5...." i mumble as i turn the the dial of my rotary phone. "fucccckkk, i messed up" i shouted. after about two minutes i finally  dialed the number  and was listening to the ringing. after about 4 rings i hear the sound of a receiver being picked up and a man saying "nathaniel residence, how may i help you"
oh shit, did i call the wrong number... why did a man answer
i checked, it was the number that called me.

"hello is Mrs. Deborah there" i nervously ask

"give me one moment, i'll grab her" the man replied, a wave of relief washed over me.

"thank you wesley" i heard in a very muffled tone on the other enf of the line. "sorry about that y/n i totally forgot i called you on my home phone, and for the millionth time, call me deb, you make me feel old calling me like i'm a southern grandmother,"

i paused. wesley... does she mean like the cofounder of syntec wes? the wes that's always in her office? honestly it makes sense but i never knew they were married. i mean now i have a last name for her..

"so as you may have heard in my voice mail, i wanted a briefing on my schedule for the day."
"oh yeah sorry, i was spacing out a bit. you don't have much to do today, at 9:30 you have a trial to watch for project pegasus and at 11:00 you have a meeting with a... scott clarick? i don't believe i have met him, and then you have lunch with wes at 12:30."

"thank you so much y/n, i want you to attend my meeting with scott, i think it will do you some good."

"i will be at my desk at 8 am, i'll be ready for anything you need. just let me know deb"

"okay i will see you then, i look forward to seeing you at work on time."

click. the phone call ended. i guess i'm going to be meeting someone new, not in a way that would be ideal for me, i would rather run into a person than have to attend a meeting.

i realize my coffee had been sitting there for a little while and i completely down it.

i walk back into my bedroom to go pick out an outfit for today. what should i wear? i need to make a good impression. i pull a black pair of slacks and a white button up shirt out. i grabbed a red neck scarf and a black pair of oxford shoes and a pair of navy blue socks . classy yet basic, me in a nutshell. i look at my watch, its quarter till 7. i have a hour drive to work, and i should be on time if i left now.

i rush out the front door of my apartment, to my car , and drive to my place of employment, syntec.

arriving in work parking lot

i finally arrive at work. i'm shivering a bit bc my heater doesn't work, but i am here. i step out of my shit box of a car and am rushing towards the building where my little nook/desk is.
it was like walking into a brick wall, but instead of it being a brick wall, it is a breathing 6'4, dirty blonde hair colored wall in a dusty colored suit with a red tie, beard and glasses.

"i'm so sorry i didn't see you there, i really do apologize" i say while trying to collect what i was carrying from off the asphalt.

"oh no, it's okay don't apologize, you are fine, it's my fault" the breathing wall of a man says while helping you collect your papers.

he helps gather the papers and you rush of saying thank you repeatedly like you were a little kid.

who was that,i continued to wonder that. i. never even introduced myself or got a name, maybe if i could run into him again to formally apologize. for now i guess i will never know

how was i supposed to know~ scott clarick x fem reader Where stories live. Discover now