Chapter - 53 Diamond

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Lily Jenkins

My mothers left Australia in a few days. Dante didn't want them going back to America but they refused to listen and told us they'd be safe.

I was worried, too. But maybe Ma's brother would keep them safe.

I sat in Dante's car, looking out the window as we drove back to his penthouse. I rubbed my arms with my hands, feeling a bit lost.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked. "About the engagement."

He sighed. "You're never letting that go, are you?"

I bit the inside of my cheek. "I don't think you understand how much it..." I trailed off, not willing to be too vulnerable.

He glanced at me. "How much it what?"

"Nothing," I said. "When will this end?"

"When will what end?"

"Everything," I asked. "When will the Creeds stop hunting me?"

"It's not you they're hunting anymore, baby. It's me. They want to kill me."

"Why?" I asked. "Why do they want to kill you? You six used to be best of friends. I've seen the pictures."

His fingers tapped the wheel. "It's a conversation for another time."

I looked away. "If it's you they're after, does it mean I am free?"

"No. They think that I love you. They think that you're my weakness."

I didn't dare to ask if they were right.

"They'll hurt you through me."


What on earth had he done to them?

. . .

I sat in the chair of his office as he drew his building, eyes focused on it completely. I had lit a few scented candles and was now reading, or trying to because I could not look away from how passionate he looked while he drew. His hands were stained and his brows furrowed.

I curled myself into a ball under the thin blanket he had given me, my book forgotten on my stomach.


"Yes, baby?"

I paused. I had to ask. I hated to ruin his concentration. "Do you really think I am overreacting about your engagement?" I asked, hesitantly.

His frown deepened as he put his pencil down. He looked at me. "No. It's just not something serious in my mind. It was something I was doing out of obligation, like a business deal. It didn't happen, like many don't. No sentiments attached."

"You still should have told me. My engagement with Sebastian was a similar thing, yet you didn't like it one bit and we're ready to kill Samuel. I would never kill anyone but I was...I was mad."

He frowned but then slowly nodded. "I think I should have told you. I am sorry, Blue. I should have told you."

I smiled. "Okay."

He pressed a kiss to my forehead and went back his his sketch and I picked up my book.

This was easy. When he was in the mood, he could be understanding.

"I have to go to dinner," he said after a while. "It's hosted by Alexi."

"Isn't Alexi with the Creeds?"

"He has taken a more neutral stance, but because of his sister, who is friends with Olivia, he favours the Creeds a bit more."

"So, the Creeds will be there?"


"Wait no." I sat up. "You can't go, Dante. What if they hurt you?"

"They won't. They like a clean fight when it's a worthy opponent. I know them."

"I still think it is dangerous."

"I promise you it isn't."

I folded my arms against my chest. "Take me, then. If it's so safe."

His hand paused. He turned towards me. "No."

"Either we're both going or none of us are."

His jaw clenched. "Not showing up would show weakness."

I got up. "I guess I should start getting ready."

He sighed. "You're trouble, Lily."

. . .

I dressed myself in a full-length dark blue evening gown which gently shone as I moved. It was held up with thin straps. I curled my hair into big curls, letting it sit on my shoulder. My makeup was dark yet sparkly and my feet were lifted in one of the highest heels ever. Dante had gotten this dress and heels, even makeup delivered in about half an hour. I didn't know how he did it.

Dante adjusted his cuff as he admired me through the mirror. He looked handsome. And so hot it made me want him to do so many things to me. All of them filthy.

"I want to fuck you," he said.

"O-Oh, um, we'll be late." Why did he make me so nervous?

He smirked and stood behind me, hands gripping my waist, gently caressing it. He reached for a box I had not noticed till now and opened it. Inside laid a beautiful, sparkling diamond necklace with earrings. I gasped at the blue diamond in the middle. It was giant.


"Yes, baby?" He asked as he wrapped the necklace around my neck, gently clasping it. 

"What....what is this?"

"It's called a necklace, I believe. Now, I would love to put on the earrings for you, too, but I don't think I will be able to do that without hurting you."

"Okay, wait a second. Where did you rent this from?" I asked. "This diamond is...giant!"

He looked down at the diamond and then at my face. "I don't rent, Blue."

"You're fucking with me."

"I am fucking you, yes."

My face heated. "Dante. I swear to God, I will freak out. Tell me you didn't buy this."

"You like blue. So I bought blue. Now, be a good girl and wear the earrings. We will be late."

"This is on rent, right?" I asked.

"No. It's yours."

I stared at him. "You..." I looked at the necklace. "You're kidding."

"I am not. Why is it so hard to believe that I bought you a necklace? I bought you the diamond one, too. Even though it's probably buried in the ashes of the house."

I touched the necklace with shaking hands. "You cannot be serious-"

Yes, that went on for a while.

. . .

Dante somehow managed to get me to wear the earrings, which too had tiny blue diamonds hanging from them. I was wearing fucking millions on me. Millions. Actual millions. I did not even want to think of the diamonds surrounding the blue diamond.

Dante drove us to the restaurant where the dinner was.

"Have I shut you up for the rest of the evening, baby?" He asked as he helped me out of the car. "It's just a necklace."

"It's just a nec- you're ridiculous," I told him. "It's worth millions," I said under my breath. "Don't tell me you bought it because I like blue? I like gold now, okay? I only like gold. Silver, even."

He chuckled, kissing my forehead. "You're adorable. Come on, now. Let's get this shitshow done."

"You're returning this tomorrow."

"I can't."

"Why?" I almost whined.

"Because I am going to fuck you while you wear just that, and nothing else, tonight."

. . .

I um I want a Dante please.

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