3| Bax

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Wren's phone (or so I assume) collides with the wall in between our bedrooms and and ear-piercing scream ripples through the house. Wren can out-scream anyone, even the girl at the beach this morning. Being the shitty brother I am, I ignore it, pulling my converse on and heading out of the house. Being there would only make it worse. 

I ruined everything back in Queensland when I burnt down the clubhouse. They haven't forgiven me for ruining their reputation and I doubt they ever will. So I stay out of the way. Or, better still, I try to. 

Most nights I find myself trailing around the streets until I feel too tired to continue. It doesn't matter how cold it gets I stay out, I blast music and keep in my own head. It's safe here, I can't ruin anything except myself which I ruined years ago. 

I round the corner, heading in the direction of the beach when I spot her. Her long auburn hair cascading in waves down her back as she kicks of her shoes and pulls her clothes off. It's the girl from this morning, Mabel or Rosie. Marlon has me confused. 

She can't be serious. Don't get me wrong, I love a late night dip but not in these conditions. Not only is it freezing but the current is choppy and the sky looks ready to open the heavens above us. I race after her, catching the edge of the beach just as she dives head first into the water. 


Kicking off my converse I rip the clothes off my back and dump them next to hers. I charge at the sea, waiting to see her break the surface but she doesn't. 

"Shit. Shit Shit."

I'm at the waters edge, tiptoeing as the water laps onto my feet. Freezing waters, may I add. I search the shore for any sign of her just as her head bobs up after a wave crashes onto the sand. She brushes her hair back, coughing and fighting the waves. 

I swear if this kills me, I'll make the afterlife hell for her. 

I shudder as I'm submerged, wading towards her, the temperature taking my breath away. The tide is pulling her out and I can't focus on anything except making sure I'm directly heading towards her. It's like hauling through thick mud, breaking through the water to reach her and when I do she is horrified. 

"What are you doing?" She shouts over the rumble of thunder above us. The skies open and water begins to pour down on us. 

I flick the wet curls from my face, gripping her waist. "Are you mental? You can't be out here in these conditions."

"You are?"

"Only to get you back onto the beach."

She laughs, waving her arms around to float in place. "It's only a little bit of rain, Baxter."

"It's a fucking storm!" 

"So?" I shake my head and begin to swim back to shore dragging her by the waist with me. She's kicking me but I don't give in. "Get off me!"

I stop, looking her dead in the eyes. "I am not leaving you in these conditions. Stop trying to prove something and get to shore."

Her chest heaves and just as a bolt of lightning brightens the sky, I can see her eyes are glossed over. She's trying to push herself off of me but I tighten my grip. "Just get off me, please." 

"Then get out of the water," I urge. 

She shakes her head and pushes away from me one last time before I lose grip. Mabel battles the surge of waves heading straight for shore. It's hard to tell whether she is making her way back to shore but also away from me or whether it's just the latter. Whatever it is, I wait, wading in the harsh waters as the rain pounds us, hoping she's seeing sense. A giant wave hurtles in her direction, crashing down on her. 

She's gone. 

I'm focussed on where she disappeared from, so much so I don't see the wave about to crash onto me, throwing me back onto the sand. My head smashes on a rock and it all goes black.

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