Chapter 26: Feel Normal, Please

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There is no sweeter innocence


I didn't even get a day before a soldier was waiting at my door to escort me to the meeting. I wasn't ready for it, wasn't anywhere near ready for the pain I'd have to endure to satisfy the Lord's desire to hear why the rogue princess burned half the forest.

And I should've expected it, honestly, because of course he'd want my explanation. It was my fault then that I wasn't prepared for it. That's what they thought, even if it wasn't true.

So I walked into that office with my head high and held my breath when I noticed the other men in the room—all wanting to know why I did it, how I did it, and if I could do it again. Because I was a weapon they wanted to use over and over again.

I only found an inch of comfort at the sight of Jurian standing in the corner—he stared at everyone in the room with a terrifying glare. But when his eyes met mine, his face relaxed, and that sad, knowing look appeared. I couldn't stand it and looked away before I got sick.

It looked like they began without me, so I kept my presence small and tried to sneak into a far corner. A hand grabbed me and made me stop walking, and I looked up to see Azriel staring down at me.

I pulled out of his hold and said, "Don't give me that look."

"I did nothing," he hissed, leaning down so I could hear him. "Don't worry, I warned them not to bother you."

I raised a brow. "Then why am I here?"

"For appearances."

"Ah, yes, because the world is over if the princess isn't still alive and well," I hissed, rolling my eyes. At this point, I was too tired to pretend to care about any of this. It was all useless anyway. As if alarm bells went off, I noticed when he eyed my hands, no doubt getting that sickened feeling they gave me. I quickly hid the bandages behind my back and glared at him.

Azriel gave me a warning look and said, "If the generals see you alive and well, it shows that we are still powerful—that there is reason to continue fighting. Just because we won this battle doesn't mean we won the war."

"You think I don't know that? I'm just waiting for the one reckless enough to inquire about my ability to fight." I tried taking a step away from the shadowsinger, but no matter where I stood, he'd be too close to me.

"Just so I can come to your rescue again. It's becoming quite the routine," he said, a sarcastic smile adorning his face.

I rolled my eyes again and crossed my arms, focusing on what was being said at the very important meeting. Eyes were focused on the map across the table in the center of the room, where the High Lord watched someone draw a dotted line.

"Scouts confirmed their retreat to the fields in the north-east. We should be clear to head south and meet with our allies there."

"And in the west?" the High Lord asked.

"Clear. Most of the coastline is under our control now, though the Loyalists are pushing us further from the east."

The High Lord nodded and said, "I'll be returning to the Night Court tomorrow to meet with the Illyrian warlords."

Jurian spoke up from his spot further away. "I'll take my men further north and we'll cross to the Dawn Court."

I looked over at Azriel and leaned in. "So we're abandoning this place then?"

"Many will stay just because they're tired of traveling," he explained. "Once we get better security of the area, work will begin to collect resources."

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