Chapter 14: the plan develops

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They got their dinner and were eating when Rakkon observed, "It won't do much good, Pup, because you and I will still stand out too much."

"I've got some ideas about that too. If I trim you up, you know, your hair and beard, make you look debonair . . ."

"Debonair! You're fucking joking. I'm just a thug as you've said yourself."

"Yeah, but maybe you're not such a bad thug. Tidied up and, say, with the right hat you'll look like prosperous farmer or something."

"You're crazy, Pup."

"You will, you'll look good."

Conrad had realised that Rakkon was not going to try and get rid of him and was becoming excited. "It'll work, Rak. I'll make you look right."

Rakkon couldn't help but be affected by Conrad's enthusiasm. He was chuckling to himself as he ate and then asked, "Okay, okay, you've got the Cruiser and me sorted out, what about you?"

"Oh, this is the best bit, but you must promise not to laugh."

"Whatever," Rakkon shrugged.

"I disguise myself as a girl."

Rakkon did laugh.

"Shut up and listen, you great lug. I reckon I can turn myself into a decent-enough looking chick that will pass muster. Quinn will not be looking for a couple, a bloke and his girlfriend, will he?"

Rakkon was still sniggering. "True, true," he acknowledged.

"Right, it's settled then," Conrad declared sitting back and folding his arms.

"You don't mind, Pup," Rakkon grinned at him

"No, because then I will be an asset to you, not a liability. You will want to keep me."

"Cunning, ay?"

"You bet, but I still want a shower."

"Alright, princess, I'm going to loop around and head for another small town. We should get there the day after tomorrow."

"That will have to do I suppose."

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