Shots- (1. Angst.)

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Plot: What if it was Buck who took the shot instead of Eddie?

The 118 were out, responding to a minor car crash on the southern fringes of Los Angeles. Overall, it'd been an easy save, minor injury, no casualties. In the aftermath of the accident, Eddie was busy reassuring those caught in the midst of the accident, while Hen and Chimney were talking with Buck, as the three of them loaded back in the various supplies used to get the people out.

"So, did you guys hear about that woman from last week? At the 7-11?" Hen asked, starting up conversation. "Yeah, I think. You talking about the one who pulled a gun when that guy tried to rob her?" Chimney inquired.

Though, while their conversation went on, Buck had been out of the loop, focused on the surroundings around him. He'd stolen glances at Eddie as he pushed people on gurneys into ambulances, however, tried to redirect his gaze.

But, as he looked away, he noticed it. The unmistakable glint of a sniper's gun. He stood still for a few seconds, before he took into consideration all of the innocent people who were none the wiser, and so easy targets to whoever was behind the gun. He dropped a chainsaw, used to cut into one of the cars in the wreck, running towards Eddie, and a civilian as Hen, Chim, and Bobby looked on in confusion.

"Eddie! Eddie! Sniper! Sni-" BANG. Eddie turned, just in time to become splattered with the crimson red, warm and sticky liquid. Just in time to see Buck slump to the ground, as blood pooled under him faster than he could blink. "BUCK!" Eddie ran over, as well as the rest of the 118, except for Bobby. He looked like he'd been trying to keep his composure, though anyone could see through the man's unphased exterior if you looked hard enough.

Eddie picked Buck up, running as fast as his legs could take him to the nearest gurney, as Hen checked for a pulse. "I've got a weak pulse, get him on oxygen!" She yelled, Chimney grabbing the mask. The truck was immediately en-route to the nearest hospital as they got him in, Chimney taking the driver's seat.

I can't lose him. Not like this. I have so much I want to tell him. So why won't he just wake up!? Hen had finally found the entry point. Bullet went through his lower torso, through and through. As I was focusing on getting oxygen through his system, I felt a hand brush mine. "H-Hey..Are you hurt..? How the hell could he ask me that? He's the one bleeding out on the gurney! But I kept my cool, at least as much as you can when the man you love is dying right in front of you. "No, no, I'm fine. You got shot, Buck." "Gh-oh." He muttered, slipping out of consciousness. Then, he coded. He fucking coded, right as we pulled up to the hospital. I couldn't stop the screams that barreled out of my mouth. "Buck.. BUCK!? WAKE UP! NO! NO.."

Eddie started the compressions as they wheeled Buck out, the nurses taking him. "30 Y/O male, shot in lower abdomen. Just coded, history of blood clotting and on blood thinners. Oh, and through and through!" Bobby informed the doctors and nurses who were now wheeling Buck away. "We'll try our best!" A nurse reassured. "Do more!" Eddie yelled, tears streaming down his face. The whole team was collectively distraught, though none more than Eddie. Hen gave him a knowing look, pulling him into a hug. He sobbed into the woman's arms. He didn't want to, but eventually he had to return to the station, as did the rest of them.

That night, he'd asked Carla to take Christopher to his Abuela's for the weekend. Eddie collapsed onto the couch, quietly crying as he looked upon the signs of Buck scattered across his living room. He didn't know how he would break the news to Chris. He was struggling with it himself, although all he could do was pull through, and hope, that he would be able to see his Buck again.

"Goddamn it Evan, you better survive this for me.."

Word Count: 743

A/N: this is my first time writing a Wattpad story since like 2020 help😭

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09 ⏰

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