Chapter 19: Chance?

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After they are done eating, they march towards their school. When they're inside the school, Cesar passes them by and greets Samantha with a 'Hi' and then walks off.

Justin says to Samantha, "That's weird, Samantha. You two would always talk to each other incessantly while the two of us leave you guys alone."

"Oh, it's just nothing."

"That nothing must be something. Please, tell us what's going on."

"Ok, you deserve to know. We demoted our relationship."

"Demoted? What does that mean?"

Mark taps his arm and says, "The opposite of being promoted, dummy."

"What? You two are officially broken up? That's sad, you two always get along so well." Justin says as he winks at Mark while Samantha is looking down.

"Well, my dad doesn't want me to have a boyfriend yet. Not until I finish my studies."

"Oh, really? That sucks."

Mark hits Justin with his elbow.

"Ouch. What was that for?"

"For saying so carelessly."

"Whatever, man."

Mark looks at Samantha and says, "It's for your own good, Samantha, that your dad wants it that way. That's wise advice your dad is giving you."

Samantha looks up at him, smiles, and says, "I guess so too, Mark."

Ba dum, ba dum, ba dum.

'What the heck? I can't move. Why am I feeling this for Samantha now? I'm just smiling and staring at her like I'm some nutcase or something,' Mark thought.

Justin looks at Samantha then at Mark and vice versa. He giggles but he covers his smile with his hand.

Samantha laughs then Mark laughs as well with her. And eventually, they both laughed together. With their eyes locked in, no one can break the gaze between them.

Mark broke the silence and said, "Let's go to our class, shall we?"

She snaps out of it and says, "Of course, Mark. Let's go."

As Samantha walks past him, he sees Cesar standing further from him and looking at him.

'What the heck? I'm gonna get pummeled by him. What have I done?'

Cesar walks towards him and says, "Let's get to the classroom, Mark. History is awesome."

'What? Is that it? Will he at least be angry at me?'



"Will you at least be angry at me for what happened?"

"Oh, no, Mark. I'm not that type of guy. You like her, I understand that. I don't have a beef about you and all that, life's too short to be doing that. You have a chance of having her if you ask me."


"It's not a matter of but, Mark. It's a matter of when. You two seem to be getting along lately, I don't make a big deal out of it. You two really get along together. She's more comfortable with you than she is with me. You have a chance with her, Mark."

Cesar walks past him as Mark turns only to see him walking off to the classroom. Bowing his head down, he walks towards the classroom of Ms. Berido. Justin puts his hand on his shoulder as they are walking together.

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