chapter 2

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What Amani looks like at the top ⬆️

Alex and Amani were getting ready for the party." You look so good." Alex hyped up Amani. She was nervous that her dad would find out. " Girl, relax he won't find out. I promise, plus what's the worst that could happen, he grounds you." She says laughing. If only she knew Amani said in her head.

Amani's outfit ( I can only put one picture per chapter bc wattpad won't let me out more than one)

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Amani's outfit ( I can only put one picture per chapter bc wattpad won't let me out more than one)

Alex was wearing an all white outfit. White crop top and a mini Jean skirt also white. " Let's go our ubers here," Amani said.

Amani's pov

We got there after about 20 minutes. " This is going to be so fun bro I swear, " Alex said, smiling. I shouldn't worry. I should relax. Nothing is going to happen. We walked in and looked around. " ima get a drink. Do you want one?" Alex asked me. i shook my head, no, I promised myself I would never drink. Alex walked off, and I stood there awkwardly. " yo you that girl from the deli, right?"this guy said, so I turned around. It was ddot, I nodded my head. "Wanna chill wit me and my gang?" He asked." Sure," I said, unsure. I mean, I guess or better than standing there.

He led me over there it was only four of them. " There's usually more, but they scattered around the house." He told me as I sat in between him and dd. " yo what's your name, ma heart?" The guy sitting by notti said. " Amani, yours?" I asked in return." Jay," he said, rolling up a blunt. " You smoke," notti asked. " Nah."

" So tell us about yo self" ddot told me. " Uhh, I'm 15, and I really only keep to myself unless im wit my one friend. Besides that, I'm usually in my house or at school." I said, keeping it short. " What about you guys?" I asked bc I really need to know them if I continue to talk to them.

" me,dd, and jay related, ddot is just there," notti started jokingly, making ddot mug him " Nah I'm playing ddot is like a brother to us, we chill all da time unless something happens" notti finished. We started talking and laughing for hours while Alex was talking to this one dude in the corner.

" yo you cool, you gang now," dd Said smiling. I smiled. I haven't really made a friend bc everyone thought I was too secretive and weird. " Rs, we gotta talk more. Can we get yo number." Ddot asked. I gave al of them my number and had their contact names as

Jay 🫡
Notti 😈
Ddot 🍔
Dd 😉 ( not in a weird way)

My phone started to ring, so I looked and saw it was my dad calling. shit, I looked at the time, and it's 12. I answered nervously. " YO AMANI WHERE TF YOU AT?" He yelled through the phone. " I'm at a- Alex's house she asked me to come over, " I said, stuttering. The others looked at me confused. " YOU FUCKING LYING IT SOUNDS LIKE YOU AT A PARTY. YO WRD2 EVERYTHING I LOVE IMA BEAT YOUR ASS COME HOME NOW." he yelled before hanging up the phone. I wanted to cry. " I g-gotta go ill s-see you guys later," I said, getting up and running to Alex. " we gotta go, my dad found out." I said to her.

" ok, text me," Alex said before she grabbed my arm, and we ran to my house, not having time to get an Uber. " I'll call you later, bookie." She said before leaving. " i opened the door mentally preparing for what's going to happen. " So you think you can go to a party without MY permission and wear that outfit out, and you thought you were going to get away with it." He said, getting more angry. " Dad, I'm sorry, please. I promise I won't do it again, I swear. " He grabbed my wrist and pulled me to the floor on my back.

" You gon get what you deserve," he said, picking me up by my neck. He grabbed his belt and started hitting me really hard with it, leaving some bruises. He hit me in my eye, making start to bruise. " If you don't get out my face in 5 seconds, I'm making it worse." He said. I got up and ran to my room. I went on my phone, trying to distract myself from the pain and tears in my eyes. I then heard the door slam. I got a notification

Gang shit

Amani has been added to this chat

Yo Amani, in this shit

Notti 😈
Yo Amani, you good you seemed scared when you got a call.

I'm chill ig

Ima call the group chat. Answer that shit gangsta

Got u, mh

Incoming call from gang shit

I answered but had my camera off

" yo Amani show yo fuckin face rn I'm not playin" dd Said aggressively but not in a mean way.

I turned on my camera and showed my face. I mean, I look fine rn bc the bruise hasn't shown up yet.

" Amani, I you getting abused at home tell me rn" notti said.

Obviously, I lied. " I'm not. I just got yelled at because I wasn't supposed to be there, that's it. Plus, I just met you, so what makes you think I'll tell you."

" yo what school do you go to, amani?" Jay said, changing the conversation

I told them my school ( I dont know, so I'm just not saying a school name)

" yo we go to the same school. we gotta see what classes we have together tomorrow," ddot said, smiling. That smile is so cute. Nah, what I'm trippin.

We started having fun on call, which got my mind off of everything. We talked until we all felt tired and left the call.


Hope you guys like it. I kinda made it seem like notti knew since he is extremely smart in this story, so he is going to find clues leading up to the fact that she is getting abused. Enjoy🥴

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