chapter 5

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Nottis pov
Amani Grace Reyes is my sister? Why didn't mom tell us? We were still in the hospital. Amani couldn't leave until Friday, and it's Wednesday. " Are you dead ass?" Dd said. She nodded her head. " Ma wrd 2 everything your not lying," Jay said, not believing it. " I promise you I'm not lying." She said hold Manis hand. I don't know what to say. She was like a sister to me, but I didn't know she was actually my sister.

" Ma, explain everything right now, I told her. " Well, your dad didn't want another child, so when I told him he said that, I would never. She that child again once she was born. I kept it a secret for her safety, I didn't tell anyone just in case it got out, I gave birth, and I fell asleep and woke up she was gone, I honestly was more scared for Amani because I know what he's capable of." She explained. Now that makes more sense, I guess.

Amanis pov

Once she explained everything, I cried. I've been without a mom for my whole life thinking she was dead. Now I have siblings and other random shit. " Baby, I'm so sorry you had to go through that, and it never meant to happen," she apologized, but it's not her fault she shouldn't be apologizing he should. The nure who looked about 20 came in.

" I'm sorry to inform you, but visiting hours are now over," she said with a blank face. Once she turned, she saw notti, she smiled. " Hey, um, can I speak to you outside for a moment?" she asked him, smiling even wider. She's like 20 trying to date  a minor so she can fuck off. Just looking at her makes me wanna sock her in her eye.  He mugged her. "Why I'm good where I'm at," he told her with very much attitude. She kept staring at him until her rolled his eyes and stood up.

Nottis pov
What the fuck does this bitch want. " I'm Amanda, and I think you look kinda fine." I mugged her bc who says shit like that. " Nah, not interested," I said, Turing around to leave until she grabbed my hand. I don't hit girls, but she is about to be an exception if she doesn't stop touching me. " Who is the girl in there anyways your girlfriend because if she is, I can do way better," she said, rubbing her hand up and down my arm. I slapped her hand. " she my sister, now bye," she is like in her early twenties, and even if she was my age, I wouldn't hit bc she is hideous.

I walked back in to see my mom and Amani talking and smiling. This is the first time I've seen amanis real smile, and I could tell when her others were fake. It feels like she is happy, and she looks like she feels safe, and that's all I ever wanted for her.

Dds pov

Everything is confusing, and a blur. Amani really went through so much, and now she looks happy and free. I mean, she just met her mom for the first time, and OUR mom looks like a huge weight has been lifted. She always looked depressed like something was her fault but never explained what it was. She would always say she's just tired from work or some bullshit excuse that I believed because there was no other option. I'm just glad I have a little sister to boss around and to hang out with notti being 16 he wants to go out and do shit. I do, too, but he was way more responsible than me.


Amani and crimsley wouldn't stop hugging and talking to each other. It's like the hole in her heart was filled with love, and she really felt safe for the first time.


I know it's short but I needed to update this one before I update my new one

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