Chapter 1 - New House

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Lilly's p.o.v

"Come on Lilly it'll be nice to have a few changes in life," my dad said, carrying some boxes in.

I look at the house unsure. It looks kind of....haunting and dark. I've seen enough movies and shows to know what's going on! I glance to my left and right to see the neighbors looking at us weirdly. Soon enough they were whispering to each other and glancing at us. I grab my bag and walk into my new house. "Hey uh mom," I said, putting my bag next to a door frame. She hums, signaling she's listening. "Why are the neighbors so...talkative?" I asked.

Like seriously what the hell, I thought they would bring cookies over like they do in movies.

"Oh because a teen was murdered in this house," she said, casually.

"A WHAT?!" I shrieked.

"A murder happened in this house," dad answered, bringing in the rest of the boxes. 'Oh hell no!' I thought, grabbing my bag. I run out of the house, but dad catches my collar before I could run far away. "And where do you think you're going?" he asked. I struggle to get away from his grip.

"What any sane person would do and get the hell out of here!" I shout, still struggling.

"Watch your mouth and Lilly there are no such things as ghosts."

He puts me down and I huff turning to him. "I've seen Ghost Adventures, Ghost Hunters, Supernatural, Paranormal Activity, and all that's stuff! Ghosts are real!" His brow twitches and he sighs, obviously irritated. He carries me back in and sets me in a room. "This is your new room, start unpacking." With that he left. I grumble taking my shoes off and toss them to the side.

"They're just trying to get me killed," I grumbled.

My bed is already up so I might as well put the sheets and blankets on it. I open one box to only see books and I pick up one. "Okay this is where my Black Butler books are," I mumble to myself. Putting my book down on my bed, I sit next to some boxes. 'I hate moving,' I thought, opening the boxes. I go through my boxes and suddenly I heard a loud thump behind me. I quickly turn around to see my Black Butler book on the floor.

"Oh hell no!"

I run out of my room and I run into my mother. "There is a ghost in this house and we need to leave!" I exclaimed, waving my arms around. She sighs, facepalming and gives me a stern look.

"Lilly there are no such things as ghosts!"

"They are real!"

"Young lady, go finish unpacking!"

I huff and storm back to the room. God they won't listen to me....

After finishing unpacking I lay on my bed, exhausted. 'I still got a lot of boxes to go,' I thought, hugging my teddy bear. "God I'm hungry for some pizza," I said, rubbing my stomach. I sit up and see my dog, run in while wagging his tail. I smile wide and pet his head. "Hi Moon," I said, cooing slightly.

He suddenly turns around and starts barking. From the corner of my eye, I see a black shadow on my wall. I quickly look at it but it's gone. My eyes widen and Moon starts whimpering and hides behind me.

Oh hell naw this house is haunted!!

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