Chapter 2

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A/N: sorry for the late update!!

Barry arrives at the destination first, leaving everyone else in his electrical trail. Victor arrived shortly after, followed by Diana, then followed by The Dark Knight himself. An old man, well in his age, stared in surprised at the group before him, his eyes resting on Batman with his eyes showing approval. "Nice to see your working well with others!"

Batman smirks playfully at Wonder Woman, his gloved knuckles softly and quickly grazed hers. "May be temporary." The goddess quiet gasp did not go unnoticed by the the officer. He exchanged a curious stare at Batman, but said nothing. Instead, Jim Gordan fished into his jacket pocket and pulled out two ZipLoc bags with DNA Strips and two different colored rims.

"I am a little concerned," Gordan stated, "Why do you need these DNA samples from ScareCrow and Sasha?"

"We have a reason to believe Sasha and ScareCrow are connected through the same trasformation." Batman's muscular gruffly voice explained.

"If I may ask: how exactly is that possible? Sasha isn' do I put it?" Gordan tapped his chin.

"Mummified?" Victor purposed matter-of-factly.

Gordan snapped his fingers. "Yes! Sasha isn't mummified, so how are they connected?" Gordan handed the ZipLoc bags to Batman. Batman hands the bags to Flash who delicately takes them in his hands. "That information is still being extracted. We will have the awnser once Flash inspects these a bit more closer after we were given mor information." Gordan glares sternly at Batman, "I pulled some serious strings to get you these!"

Before Batman could respond, Wonder Woman stuck out her hand in front of his chest, the vigilante clamping his mouth shut. Gordan noticed this and gave the goddess his attention, it's not everyday that someone could tame The Dark Knight of Gotham. "We understand the lengths you went through and we appreciate your help, but we cannot give out any information without testing our hypothesis first. Please understand this. Now, we must go, thank you for your help!"

At the sound of Wonder Woman's farewell to the Officer, everyone left without a trace,back to the Batcave.

Once inside his adobe, Bruce removed his cowl, shaking out his hair. "Alright Barry, do your thing. I'll call Clark over and catch him up. Bruce went to a corner pressing his phone to his ear.  Diana stared after him longingly, letting out a wistful sigh. Bruce's back moved in front of her vision of Bruce's face and messy hair.

"You like him don't you?" To Diana's surprise, Alfred was the one who spoke her un-spoken feelings sinse when then first locked eyes at Luthor's gala. Diana hesitated, stumbling over words to the butler. She opened her mouth to speak, but no words escaped, no sounds. Her eyes searched the floor at her feet, feeling heat rise up to her cheeks. Alfred chuckles softly at the side, rocking on his heels. "Miss Prince.l

"Hmm?" Diana finally faced the butler, her cheeks still hot.

Alfred gave her gentle smile. "You're blushing." Diana raised her hands up to her cheeks to indeed feel the heat radiating off her face, to which she thought was just a fragment of her imagination. "What do I do, Alfred?" She finally sighed helplessly, burrowing her face in her hands before running her fingers through her hair. "Tell him." Diana looks at the butler fearfully.

"I-I don't think I-"

The roof began to collapsed above Diana and Alfred. Alfred hastily moved away, but Diana remain where she was, wanting to see what was the cause. Bruce saw what has happening, his fingers fumbling at his grappling hook trigger. "Diana!!" Bruce shot his grappling hook to Diana, in which securely wrapped itself around Diana's waiste, and the yank her to Bruce. She landed in his arms. Her hands on his chest, and his hands in the palm of her back. Their eyes locked and everything seemed to fade until Barry shouts triumphantly. Diana blinks away the spell she was under and awkwardly put her hands back to her sides. "T-thanks."

Bruce awkwardly smiles, "please don't scare me like that again." Diana smirks, "No promises." Then heads down to the collapsed roof to which revealed to be Clark. Diana beams happily and rushes to the Kryptonian. "Kal-El!!" Clark hugs the goddess which results in a jealous Batman.

Bruce knows they have a brother-sister relationship, but he can't help but feel challenged. "You almost crushed her with your dramatic entrance!" Bruce growls. 

Diana waves it off, "I would've been perfectly fine either way, a roof never hurt me!" Clark smiles warmly the looks at Barry, "You got anything?"

Barry nods eagerly, rushing back to his station and returning back with two green vials. Exchanging glances with the whole team, he smiles. "It's positive. Same gas substance, same unknown gas molecular structure, and same DNA."

Bruce stares in shock! "So....this means—"

Barry nods.

"Not only are they blood related siblings, but the went through transformation!"

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