Futa Muto Prime X Sheava(Mk11)

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Futa Muto prime

Futa Muto prime

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No Ones POV

Outworld,Kuatan Jungle

Sheeva was walking through the thick jungle of kuatan jungle in Outworld along her twelve shokan bodyguards, and they were heading to a large shokan Outpost.  She received a report from the queen of outworld, kitana, of a sere massive earthquack across the realm of outworld, and aslo the reports of destroy outports , towns, villgers, and even a city that belong to both outworlers and shokan alike. Along with series of murders and death that casue by a unknown person that is destroying settlements after settlements and kill lot of people, aslo following by earthquack that the person is responsible of the countless earthquack, sheeva belive that the unkown person has the same ability as tremor but greater scale.

She aslo read a report about a male survivor telling ones of the outworld soldier what the attacker looks like. The survivor tells the description of the person , he says the person is a woman and a very large one, she has four arms like shokan but different from a shokan as whole with two massive arms that are cover with insect like- shell arm and lower arms has same size of human arms but little bigger. She has a more human-like appearcane  than shokan but with some inscet-like quality, and muscular too. Male survivor thinks the woman is female shokan from unkown insect lineage and the one that casue a lot of destruction, Man tells the soldier to bring that monster to justice.

Sheeva would bring that shokan woman for punishment what she casue damage across outworld and her people in the form of death sentence. She aslo finds clues where the earthquack orginally from, Kuatan jungle and that where earthbender shokan live and possible heading another shokan outpost.

An hour later, Sheeva and her men were finally here at the large outport but find nothing of destruction and laying body of dead shokans that was all kill. She saw all the dead shokans laying around the ground,most are beating/cut to death, some are tore in half, and other are turned into pieces or their entire flesh, organs ,and bones are pop like a balloon from a unknown force in  bloody carnage. Some her bodyguards throwing up upon seeing massive gore.

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