A collection of one shots with the instant loss meme, when each versions of godzilla or some other kaijus would fuck hot girls from mortal kombat universe. Depending on which timeline of version of mk girls, they would get fuck by those big-dick kai...
Note: Most titans of MV and some MV versions of toho Kaiju or other Kaiju and monsters serious in Futa MV Godzilla x Mk Kitana and Jade series has same origin and biology like their cannon counterparts, however they slighter stronger then their cannon counterparts. Unlikes their cannon Mv versions, the titans have the ability to shapeshiftes into humanoind form as both camouflage and natural ability to blend in humans or other races civilization in the realms. Some prefer in their real form while some in their humanoid form, or those like Godzilla can shifteshape and transform between their true form and humanoid form at the same time.
Note 2: The mortal titans are simliar if not older and stronger than gods like Raiden and his brother, and least equal to the Elder gods in terms of powers and Strength. However less weaker than Elder titans(MK Titans) but still can damage them at least but only alpha titans or powerful Kaiju almost damage them and possibly kill the Elder titans.
Note 3:'' Titans live in different realms in mortal Kombat in terms of appearance, size, and nature. Those titans live in Earthrealm like Godzilla and Kong are called Terra titans with simliar to earth modern and prehistoric animals apperance, or mix of both or bizzare look. And those who live in space in earthrealm are called space or alien titans with otherworldly and alien like-look like king ghidorah.
Those titans live in Outworld called outer titans with bizzare,horror, and mysthicl look
Those titans who live in the Neatherrealm are called hell titans with demonic or twist hybrid of animals.
Those titans live in the chaosrealm called chaos titans with mutantion,effect and body horror appearance.
Those titans who don't live in other realms or not part of natural order are called mutant titans, created by humans or other race with science or magic from flesh and DNA from titans.
Notes 4: Unlike their cannon couterparts in monstervsere or other some monster franchises, the monsters came into existance from one Elder titan known as Therion the primordial Beast, the First Monster of Creation, and the primal side of the one being but strongest of his kind. Other elder titans fear him of his power and might. After the realms form, and Therion has fought and kill his fellow titans but from his battle accident creation monsters and mortal titans from his flesh and blood. Mortal titans or monsters worship him as the father of all monsters and creator of mortal titan, Therion loves his creation dearly and love being worship. He gives only a few mortal titans becoming his champions, and becomes immuse from Kronika's time manipulation known as his little sister went insane and will one endanger his creations and children.
Note: While Godzilla have Kitana and Jade as her two mate, Sonya have her own titan girlfriend in the form of Kong.
Futa MV King Kong( different version of her i made from previouse one shot with soyna blad and cassie mk11 version. )
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