A collection of one shots with the instant loss meme, when each versions of godzilla or some other kaijus would fuck hot girls from mortal kombat universe. Depending on which timeline of version of mk girls, they would get fuck by those big-dick kai...
After Shang Tsung's defeat, Godzilla and her ally won the mortal kombat tourmant and saved their home realm from being merged with outworld. Liu kang is regarded as Earthrealm's savior as godzilla graduation the monk for his victory against shang Tsung, and other earthrealm warriors celebrate/ hand shake with liu kang, although Raiden notices his amulet has cracked even more. Godzilla turns around to see the outworlders return to their home in defeat, however she saw both kitana and jade heading back to their realm.And as two best friends about to enter the portal but they hear a whistle that them to turn around to see godzilla with a smile on her face, she wink them with passion, and both kitana and jade blow a kiss as the same time in shape of a heart toward godzilla in both her cheek making her giggle from the feeling. The two leave to the portal as the portal begins to close itself in flash, godzilla turns around to talk to her ally but she faces a surprise look of her friends who are shock specifically sonya blade is who most the shock upon seeing godzilla being blow kiss by the two female assassins, and one of them, johnny ask godzilla with grind smirk.
Johnny:" Sooooo godzilla, why both kitana and jade blow kiss you in both cheeck".
Sonya Blade:" Yeah, I what know too".
MV Godzilla:" Wellllll, let's just say I gave them a good back massage... big good massage~".
Johnny:"Whatever you say big g" Johnny walk to the queen of monsters and stands tiptoes to godzilla's ear as she lower down to hear what he say, and johnny say a bomb shell. " I know you fuck those two sexy assassin, your highness".
MV Godzilla: " ( Don't tell the others got it".
Johnny:" ( Your secret is safe with me)"
Both serperst each each to join the others to celebrate their victory.
At Wu Shi Acadmeny
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A ceremony at Wu shi Acadmeny the is held in honor of Liu Kang's Mortal Kombat tournament victory as those do the other warriors victory and giving them medals for action and cause including godzilla herself with a confused look at her medal but she accept it any way. As night falls, She was talking to both raiden and jax both her orgin and raiden's visions and his amulet began to crack of liu kang win over shang tsung.
Raiden:" I do not understand why my amulet is further damged, he must win if not liu kang then who".
Jax: " You got me not sure anybody could have done what he did made shang tsung look like chump".
MV Godzilla:" Maybe your vision is a reference to someone else, not shang tsunge ".