Elevator Part 15: Scared Final Part

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They are done eating their food and they keep talking "So what do you think?" "It's really odd actually?" "I know right but do you know anything about it?" "No but there's a stories about that elevator though?" "Wait there's a stories about that elevator?" "Yes Stella did anyone tell you about the elevator?" "No no one tell me?" "Okay let's keep between us a secret?" "Okay go on?" "I don't know anything about this elevator all I know I just heard it?" "It's okay just tell me I will tell who knows more?" "Okay good so there's this woman name Amanda she's same thing as you the numbers starts glitching out right?" "Yeah?" "Okay when she arrived at the dark place at the very deep dark she got bite off?" "Her head?" "Yes she said it was a dream but it was real?" "Okay now your making me feel scared?" "Why?" "I dream about that elevator too that dark place and my head got bite off and I scream and it was a dream!!" "Oh no Stella you are next target?" "How do I stop it!" "I don't know!" Stella is freaking out right now and her breathe is faster.

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