Elevator Part 20: After Stella's Death

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1 Month later the elevator closed and so many peoples and polices inside and Jack is inside and he saw Stella's body on the elevator he's worried "I'm sorry Stella I was asking for help but it was too late!" The detective is watching him and Jack walks away and he went outside but the detective follow him outside and call his name "Hey sir wait!" Jack turn around "Look I know what you are going to say okay just leave me alone?" "Sir I'm a detective sorry my name is detective Roger what's your name?" "Jack?" "Nice to meet you Jack okay what happened to her did you know her?" "Stella is my friend and she's from our work together?" "Okay anything else?" "Okay I know you are detective but we can't talk here let's go somewhere?" "Let's go to my place I have my case on everything?" "Alright that's good let's go!" Jack and detective Roger walking away.

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