Chapter 1 - Never

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⸢If we meet again, Elder Shen must fulfill his promise to take me to Visit Qing Jing peak. I'll always be waiting...⸥

Although the man's face wasn't visible, a smile could be heard in his gentle tone of voice. The words were spoken with such tenderness that they might as well have been a confession of love.

He said it almost as if he were saying it to someone he knew very well.

The sun behind the man shone so brightly that Shen Jiu can't seem to recognize his face. But he noticed he's wearing a sect's uniform so Shen Jiu knows he's someone's disciple.

And just when the youth's face starts to become visible, Shen Jiu wakes up.

With a jolt, Shen Jiu realized this was another dream – and his dream is already coming to an end. He couldn't help but groan. Just how many times did he need to wake up to see this? Somehow, that person has been pestering him in his dream. dreams of a guy he's never even met...


As Shen Jiu slowly opened his eyes, he felt a strange sense of disorientation. The remnants of a vivid dream still clung to his mind, teasing him with fragments of a story that he couldn't quite grasp. The lingering feeling of warmth and affection made his heart ache, and he couldn't help but wonder why his dreams had been plagued by the image of a person he had never met.

With a groan, Shen Jiu reluctantly pulled himself out of bed, his body feeling heavy with exhaustion. He glanced out the window and was met with a harsh, midday sunlight that pierced through the curtains and illuminated the room. How had he slept so late? He must have been more exhausted than he thought.

"...Oh fuck."

Hurriedly, Shen Jiu scrambled to get dressed, his usually pristine room now a chaotic mess as he grabbed his clothes and hastily put them on. The uncharacteristic disorder in his surroundings only served to further agitate him, reminding him of the confusion that still lingered from his dream.

When he opened the door, he saw them looking at him with worried gazes, their expressions mirroring each other perfectly.

"I have somewhere to go to. I want you two to clean my room, I want it to be spotless and organized" He ordered, his voice still cold but unwavering which tensed his already worried disciples.

He walked past them, ignoring their worries. He rushed to the meeting room, and accidentally pushed the door a little too hard causing a disruption in the meeting.


It was silent for a while before Qi Qingqi started her "yelling at Shen Qingqiu" sessions.

"Shen Qingqiu! Not only are you late but you also rudely interrupted an important meeting, what is wrong with you!" She berated, not caring if others heard her or not. It wasn't like they didn't hear it every time there was a meeting anyway.

"We were going to discuss the issue you raised earlier". She continued on lecturing him. She went through all of his flaws. And Shen Jiu didn't really like being criticized. That's why he kept quiet throughout the whole lecture.

But when it was getting too much, he couldn't be bothered with her so he just walked past her and walked in his seat. But, before he could even sit, Liu Qingge unsheathed his sword and without a word, he suddenly rushed to Shen Qingqiu. 'He's at it again...!' They all thought in harmony.

Expecting them to clash swords, the others covered themselves with qi, protecting them from the impact.

However, it wasn't there. They waited for a while, when they opened their eyes,

they saw Liu Qingge holding Cheng Luan pierced through When Jiu's chest.

His body dropped onto the floor lifelessly. A drop of blood fell from the sword. No one could say anything because they just froze at the sudden incident.

As Shen Jiu's body lay lifeless on the floor, the room fell into an eerie silence. The air thickened with an unsettling mix of fear and disbelief, each person's heart pounding in their chest. The shock of the sudden and violent act had frozen them in place, their mouths agape as they tried to comprehend the scene before them.

Liu Qingge stood there, his sword still impaled through Shen Jiu's chest, his eyes wide with a mixture of horror and confusion. It was as if time had momentarily stopped, the weight of his actions sinking in, causing his hands to tremble ever so slightly. His mind raced, desperately searching for an explanation, a way to undo what had just transpired.

"Shen Qingqiu...?" Liu Qingge asked, his voice barely above a whisper, his gaze fixed on the lifeless body before him. The reality of what he had done began to sink in, and a profound sense of regret washed over him. He had let his anger consume him, allowing it to drive him to commit this unforgivable act. Shen Jiu, his former rival and now his martial brother, lay motionless on the floor, the blood pooling around him staining the wooden planks beneath.

Mu Qingfang, the sect's skilled healer, immediately rushed forward, his eyes filled with concern as he knelt beside Shen Jiu's lifeless body.

His breathing was unsteady, and his heartbeat was weak. Mu Qingfang's eyes widened with concern as he knelt beside Shen Jiu's lifeless body. Carefully, he placed his fingers on Shen Jiu's wrist, searching for any sign of life. The room fell into an eerie silence as everyone watched, their hearts pounding with a mix of fear and disbelief.

"Is he okay, Mu Shixiong?" Shang Qinghua's voice trembled as he asked, his worry for Shen Qingqiu evident in his tone. He was the only one who seemed to show genuine concern for Shen Jiu, aside from Yue Qingyuan.

Mu Qingfang's face remained tense as he continued to assess Shen Jiu's condition. His brows furrowed, revealing the gravity of the situation. "His pulse is weak, but it's still there," he replied, his voice filled with a mixture of hope and uncertainty. "We need to bring him to the infirmary immediately."

Yue Qingyuan, who had been kneeling beside Shen Jiu, stood up abruptly, his face contorted with a mixture of anger and worry. His eyes bore into Mu Qingfang, his voice laced with a rare venomous tone. "What are you waiting for!? HURRY UP AND BRING HIM TO THE INFIRMRY!" The urgency in his voice startled everyone, and they quickly scrambled into action, ready to assist Mu Qingfang in any way they could.

Mu Qingfang nodded, his hands shaking slightly as he prepared to lift Shen Jiu's fragile body. With the help of several disciples, they carefully lifted Shen Jiu onto a stretcher and carried him out of the room. The atmosphere was heavy with tension as they made their way to the infirmary, their steps quick and determined.

Yue Qingyuan turned to Liu Qingge, who is still staring blankly at the wall.

"You." He called, snapping him out of his trance. Yue Qingyuan steps closer to Liu Qingge and without a word,

Sucker punched Liu Qingge.



Shen Jiu woke up in an unfamiliar empty space. Yet, he sees a familiar figure not far from him.

To be continued...


Creators note(⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)

Thank you for your time for reading this 🩷 English is not my first language so I'm sorry if there are many spelling and grammar mistakes. This isn't my first time writing a fanfiction, but this is my first time writing one again. I hope you enjoy this one!

I just wish I don't get the wattpad curse if you know what I mean hahahahaha!

Like- get food poisoning or get hit by a bus or break my ankles like the other writers there. *Wink wink*

That is all thank you!🌸

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