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Jesse stirred out of bed and the sunlight leaked through his blinds, crawling along the floor in little strips, parallel to each other. He stared at it for a moment, not understanding what he was going to do today and grunting with pain as he pulled himself up. He pushed his blanket off of him and swept his feet to the side and off the bed to hoist himself on his feet.

Thudding to the kitchen he immediately started the coffee machine to get himself a cup, otherwise he probably wouldn't have enough energy to get through his day. He had a mug Hanzo had given him one Christmas and it was THE mug, he wouldn't ever be caught not using it. It was his prized possession, along with all the other things of his he kept because he still loved him and there wasn't a day he didn't pray for his return even though he very well may never come back. But Jesse tried to stay hopeful.

Jesse didn't know how to structure his days and live a more discreet life because before Overwatch he was in Deadlock and there was always something that needed to be done so he would schedule accordingly, but now he just seemed to live the most unassuming life possible. Especially when compared to how he used to live.

Letting out a sigh he took a sip of his coffee then went back to his room to make his bed, he also realized he forgot to brush his teeth. He figured he'd shower while he was at it so he got to work with it.

Hanzo arrived at the building he works in, pulled the door open, and stepped inside quickly. He was right on time so he went down a flight of stairs and approached his desk where the morning guard was sitting. They gave each other a nod and the morning guard quickly got up and left, probably eager since he had been there since before the sun had even risen.

Hanzo sat down in his chair and put his bag down and slid it under the desk to then glance quickly over the screens with the different cameras. He sighed and pulled a sketchbook out of his bag along with a small pencil pouch, he had picked up a liking for the arts and creating because it was a nice way to pass time and bring some beauty into his life. He also had taken a liking to making wooden sculptures and carving things from wood, it was a nice way to be hands on. But it wasn't exactly prolific to carve wood at work.

A lot of his sketches consisted of Jesse and different landscapes because the former was the only human he was confident in drawing whereas the latter was just his go to because he loved nature. The one he was working on currently was a little cityscape because he thought he'd try something new because even thought he wasn't new to Japan, there wasn't cities like the ones over here back in the states so when he came back, he had a newfound appreciation for the city scene that he didn't have before. Hanzo wanted to appreciate things more and embrace simplicity whenever possible, and to him right now that was drawing the city while at his boring job.

Not much happened here because Japan as whole was much more disciplined than anywhere else he'd been so there's usually no crime but there have been a handful of times where Hanzo has had to stop fights or help people and for those moments he was grateful, gave him a reason to stay until something else popped up because he wasn't too sure where his life was taking him at this point. He remembers once he was watching one camera steadily because there was a woman being followed by a man wearing a hood, and he called somebody to go check it out and they ended up in the lobby where Hanzo was able to pull him away because it was obvious he was about to do something. The woman knew and that's why she had gone to the lobby, moments like that made Hanzo feel like he was good for something.

It was even humorous because sometimes girls, and on the rare occasion some guys, would hit on Hanzo and ask him out or compliment him. He'd shaved the sides of his head on occasion and gotten some ear piercings. That combined with his build and demeanor he supposed he could see his appeal. But, he always politely declined and laughed it off because he knew he probably would never find love again or never be worthy of anybody's time like that again after what he subjected Jesse to. He was still in love with Jesse anyhow so any other attempts would end up being futile.

McHanzo IIIWhere stories live. Discover now