Sincerely Sam

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Dear, diary
So in recent weeks I've been experiencing changes. I know that sounds weird. Not in a weird way. like how I've seen a ghosts. not just one. two. It's really weird seeing them cause they look just like normal people just a little more translucent. They move a little more floaty and graceful and they kind of just act really weird. Like the first time I saw Emma, she was sitting on a chair and looking up at the balcony. Now I know why...She died up there. but why was she just staring up there. and I saw her on the stage behind Alice before but she was floating and was glowing like she was doing something. I don't know, really. It's all really confusing. because the first time I saw her she had her head decapitated from her body.It's all been so much to handle. being able to see these things and knowing that they're real I guess. and knowing that Alice was a victim to ghosts is a whole nother thing I have to talk about. 

Alice died at the hands of who knows who and none of us knew about it and none of us will know about it and it was just crazy that all of that happened and while we were there too. we were in the theater having a rehearsal and Alice died and Ella died. they all died and we were there and now we know it was of the hands of a ghost but how could a ghost kill someone it was someone in the theater and we still don't know who. and I don't even know if they should be arrested because was it really their fault was it really up to them to kill them or were they possessed or were they influenced of some kind I don't really understand and I don't really know. of course seeing ghosts it's an ability but I've never seen Alice or Ella or Emma anytime after we visited that abandoned building. and the abandoned building was creepy enough as it is I mean it was our theater and they closed down because of all of the suicides they said but of course it wasn't suicide it was a murder but they don't know that or if they do they're not going to admit it. so many things have happened and after we broke that mirror I've been so off. I've noticed things happening that I've never noticed before and I've noticed and felt different things. when everything happened I felt the shift I felt the new ghosts coming into the atmosphere but then I felt one leave and I don't know if they possess somebody or if they moved on or however at the afterlife works. 

it just causes so many questions in my brain and it causes so many just things I have to question about myself and what I have the ability to do. and even going to that studio was so scary sometimes because I felt something that no one else could feel and I saw something that no one else could see I mean when I saw her at the end of this seats it was the scariest thing I've ever felt in my entire life the fear that went through me was just insane and I have to look back on it because if I don't I will even question if I actually really happened to me and I don't know I just really hope Alice and Ella and Emma have made amends in the afterlife and are just living happy because that's the only thing I can keep me going because thinking that they are living a life of Revenge and living a life of hating each other and not feeling sorry or regretful it just eats at me it eats me away. it tears at my very soul. I hate when people are disconnected from each other and just I hate when people hate each other and I don't hate a lot of things. it just freaks me out it freaks me out to my core that these people are living in the afterlife and we can't see them there could be ghosts in my room right now and I wouldn't even know well I guess I would. and what grants won the ability to be able to see this I just- it makes me confused and it honestly haunts me no pun intended. I just wish I could get rid of the ability I don't want to know I don't want to know that I freed Alice from the mirror how she got in there I don't even know. the information we got from Layla we don't- we didn't even know if it was reliable and yet it was how she knew I'll never know she said it was a gut feeling but your gut can't do that unless she's like me unless you can see them then I don't know.And way back when when I told them that Emma had told me her name through the mirror and the steam it was all a lie and I never told anybody but I hate lying I hate it so much. lying to them made me just so upset and made me feel so horrible about myself.But I think I was possessed? 

maybe I'm not sure but I I felt a presence inside of me and I was doing things that I wasn't really trying to do I guess. but I was told in my brain that her name was Emma and that Alice had killed her and Alice was the person she needed to get revenge on and that made me feel so horrible because I can't take the hate so much hate gets to my brain and it just changes me and that whole little experience I had with her it just made me change in a way that I couldn't think I could but it happened and it's terrifying. but nevertheless I did it I lied to my friends and they will never know if they ever find out or read this diary it'll be the end..

Sincerely, Sam 

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