Tension In The Air

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*Trigger Warning: Mention of ED relapse*

Over the course of the weeks until the money was due, I worked hard at the restaurant I was at. I was a server, but the restaurant was very fancy, so the workers were paid highly. Tips were great, since I was very polite.

"I love my job." I beamed as I exited the restaurant to meet up with Nicky.

"I can tell you do." He chuckled as he kissed my cheek and held my hand.

"I can afford to go on the trip! And buy my clothes and souvenirs!" I giggled.

"You know, I'm proud of you for doing all of this. It's admirable." He gushed.

"Thank you, Bambi." I grinned.

We walked back to campus and ate at our tree. Perks of working at the restaurant, I got to bring back leftovers.

"I wonder if you'd be able to cook at the restaurant. You're an excellent chef." He said.

"Not really... I'd say I'm decent compared to the real chefs. I can follow a recipe, that's simple. I add my own things to it. That's also simple. It's nothing special." I sighed as I opened the to-go plate.

Tonight, the leftovers were some tortellini, salad, and chicken noodle soup. It was delicious.

"I can't wait to see France." I grinned lightly.

"Me neither, it's going to be so fun." He beamed.

"We could turn it into a romantic getaway. G-G-Go on dates and stuff." I mumbled as I stirred my soup around to avoid eye contact.

"I like the sound of that." He chuckled lightly as he picked my face up.

He kissed me lightly, then we continued eating. I tried not to blush as I thought about exploring France with my Bambi.

"We need to practice our French. We don't want to end up mixing up words or something when we're there." He suggested.

"How about we spend like three days only speaking French?" I questioned.

"Ce sera difficile, mais nous pouvons le faire." He chuckled lightly.

(It will be difficult, but we can do it).

"Votre accent s'améliore." I gushed.

(Your accent is improving).

"Merci, Birdie." He grinned.

Spending the next few days speaking only French with Nicky was interesting. We struggled a lot at some points, but overall it was actually pretty good. We went back to speaking English during our study hall.

"We did good, Bambi. For two people who only have been learning French for less than one hundred days, s-s-since you know, we only had this class every other day, plus breaks and stuff, and then--" I started.

"Baby, you're rambling." He interrupted as he held my hands.

I took a deep breath, then sighed.

"Everything will be fine once we get to France." He comforted as he rested his forehead on mine.

"You're right." I grinned.

"Hey, peoples." Willow beamed as she and Jaiden approached us.

"Hey guys, what's up?" I questioned.

"Jaiden had a half day today for some teacher development thingy, so we're spending the rest of the day together." Willow gushed.

"Ooh, Willow's skipping." Nicky teased.

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