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"Dreams do not hurt..."


"Penrose to Mu, you in there?" A Gestalt woman, maybe a foot or two shorter than him, waves her hand in front of his eyes...

"Uh, yes... Sorry..." Mu rubs his eyes with a hand... "What did you need, Scout Officer Yeong?"

[Gestalt Scout Officer Ariane Yeong]

[Gestalt Scout Officer Ariane Yeong]

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"I asked how you were doing..." She smiles sweetly, "You really must be out of it..." She gently grabs his arm, "C'mon, Elster is waiting."

"...Elster?" What happened? Wasn't he just... Ariane gently pulls Mu towards a door, as it slides open, another Replika, an LSTR model, is sat at a half round table built into the wall, she is fixing a music player.

"Elster, I got him." Elster glances over, an expressionless face glancing up at Mu, "And we only had a second where I thought he died."

[LSTR-512 "Elster"]

"Good, I've almost fixed it

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"Good, I've almost fixed it." Elster does a few more things to the device before setting it down.

"What's going on..?" Mu glances between the two, Ariane simply giggles as she walks over to Elster, giving the Replika a tight hug as she grabs vinyl, she puts it into the device, and music begins to play.

"We're dancing! I said I'd teach you both, you remember that, right?" Mu blinks a few times looking at the floor, he lifts his hands, the weight is gone... He doesn't even feel anything, the floor beneath him feels like if he lent one way for long enough, it would change with him.

"I vote Mu go first." Elster states.

"What? No, I'm... Fine going last." Mu glares down at Elster, who shrugs, standing.

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