Ever Deeper

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"The Red Eyes gaze is hungry..."


Collecting his thoughts, and assuring he is not dead, Mu stands, using the table behind him... he barely offers the red screened monitor a glance as he walks towards the door.

As it slides open, he walks into the room, glancing around, empty... where did that Eule come from? Maybe she was already in the room.

Not clearing rooms like that will get him killed, his thoughts drift as he walks towards the door to, what he hopes, is the overflow regulator.

Lifting his revolver, clicking on the laser, he steps towards the door and it slides open, he scans the inside, it's the overflow regulator, a ladder is the only way down.

Quickly holstering his weapon, Mu grabs the top rungs of the ladder and begins climbing down, when he's past the floor he slides down the rest of the way... "Sixth floor..."

The door slides open as Mu pulls his revolver into his hands, scanning the room as he walks forward... Nothing hostile, for now at least.

His grip loosens, and his arms droop a bit, to his left are elevators, the right door is forced open, caution tape blocks it, to his right are two locked doors, further ahead of him is a hallway that turns off to the right...

The corner is strange, red carpet, a comfy red chair, a wooden table, this wasn't a hallucination was it?

Walking forward, he walks past a few back-to-back benches, everything looks unscathed... Maybe this part of the facility wasn't hit? Or wasn't hit as hard?

Mu takes a turn through the corner hallway, the next room is dark... It's a locker room and a shower, steam covers the floor to about his knee.

Lifting his revolver, he walks into the room slowly, eyes scanning the corners... The showers drip, maybe the initial survivors used this room as a quarantine zone... To stop the infection maybe?

His vision suddenly blurs, and he groans, leaning forward to grasp his head, "Nnh..." Memories flood into his head...



"Beginning decontamination." A voice called out in the room, the intercom was loud, he remembers how he hated it... Standing in the room as everything was sucked out of it.

"Mu, give us the report." A Gestalt officer, he was an asshole... Mu's report was simple, what was his mission?

Discover and eliminate the rebel cell trying to work its way into existence within the Eusan Nation, and stomp it out, no remorse, no feelings on it, just do it.

"Please! P-Please, don't shoot..." A Gestalt, a rebel, a woman holding a child, begged him not to shoot her... It was strange, at the time Mu couldn't fathom a child being raised in a rebellion.

Mu now cradles the child in his left arm, he glances down at the child, then lifts his Rotfront Nord SMG, gunning the woman down.



Mu's eyes focus, and his vision returns to normal, suddenly a sharp pain slams into his side, beneath his titanium ribs, "Agh!" He throws his left arm back and slams his elbow into a Eules face, she falls back into the steam, then stands screeching.

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