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Min Jun was ready to go home.

Luckily they were gonna get to camp soon! It's been way too long. He just wanted to see his family now.

He was standing at the back of the chariot. He held Leo with one hand and held Pipers hand with the other. If either of them fell he'd be there to catch them. Jason stood off to the side awkwardly. He wouldnt need catching.

Plus, Min Jun didnt trust him yet.

Piper looked freaked out, Leo looked amazed, Jason looked tense and Annie looked pissed.

Min Jun didnt quite care for Jason but he probably shouldnt let annie kill him. Leo and Piper would be too upset for it to be worth it.

Like yeah, he could be an enemy, but also he hasnt done anything enemy-like yet. But if he does, Min Jun thinks he can take him... He hopes. He turned to the blonde in front of him and let go of Leo and Piper.

The pinkette set his chin on annabeths shoulder and stole the navigator from her hands to inspect. This earned a huff of annoyance from the blonde, as well as one from a brunette in the back. Jun topped her height by a mere 3.2 inches and he would never let her forget it.

"Sooooooo, Annie, hows it going?" The boy drawled. "Horribly. If you haven't guessed already." She shot the words out and side-eyed him, then pushed his face off her shoulder.

He let out an exaggerated whine and threw himself onto Leo, with a hand on his forhead to mimic fainting.

Leo caught him and laughed, "This is so cool!" He wrapped his arms around the pinkette and spit out a pegasi feather.

"So, where exactly are we going?" Piper asked. Annabeth glanced back and responded. "A safe place. The only safe place for kids like us. Camp Half-blood."

"That name really has to be a bad joke." Piper said sourly, Min jun looked at her with a sympathetic expression. He had heard his fair share of that word too.

Jason seemed ready to chime in now, "So, who are your godly parents then? And why does- Mimi? Junie? Sorry, I... Actually I- I dont know your name dude..." He spluttered, taken aback by that fact.

Min Jun snorted and burst into laughter. "Oh! Oh thats- thats great buddy!" He rasped between cackles.

"Im Min-Jun Lee! Call me whatever works for you, really." He said holding out his hand. "So what did you want to say bud?"

"Why do you have wings? At first i guessed it would just be some half-blood thing with all of you, but thats obviously not what it is. Are there more of you?" His brows furrowed and he upped the speed for each sentence, looking puzzled and almost frustrated.

Min Jun hummed and crossed his arms, fully letting go of a curious looking Leo. He opened his mouth to answer, but seemed to think better of it.

Instead he said, "How about Annie tells you about our parents first, while I figure out how to say this, ok dude?" With a forceful nod to the blonde and he turned to look off the side of the chariot instead.

There had been more kids like him. Cas and E. But... How does he explain any of that without bringing them up. He really didnt want to talk about them. Not here. Not now.

Annabeth took over for the boy. "My mom Athena, goddess of wisdom. Butch here is the son of Iris, the rainbow goddess. Hedge is obviously a satyr, protector of the wild and all that. And Juju is Eros spawn, god of love and desire."

"So whats up with the wings though?" Piper asked. "Will we get them?"

Min Jun shook his head and laughed. "If you were gonna get wings, you'd have them already, Pipes. We all got them early on." He looked pained, he felt pained too honestly.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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