Opening up

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I stare at the opening
of orange tinted light.
Looking out into the distance,
seeing what is bright?
Confused mix conflict-ions,
unsure of what to do.
Thinking what is this?
something brand new.

I am here as
I watch the sky changing
colors going from
yellow to orange
and pink and many others.
the motions of the sky
changed and I knew a new year begins.
An so does the
sky to see stars and constellations.
From me my moons Eclipses and moon phase, showing what's to come.

Soon we fear the front seat,
overthink at best for watching
in the darkness.
Usher us to forget,
allowing the sky to be our guide.

You look at others.
How do you spell redeems
outside spells cast of characters
from stars are rebuilt.
An from ashes are born
Human life is in essence
notice form truth that need to learn.
But now it is time
to make up her mind
and change for new leaf.

Breathing and opening poemsWhere stories live. Discover now