Growing up

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I'm living proof
that the growth in battles,
Brings the greatest joy in life.

I'm growing into
someone I should have become.
I am growing up,
and tho I'm not a tree,
the water of my tears
is bring me up from,
the memories of the past me
that didn't know.

I am growing and living
feeling the winds change
from each direction
I try to go in.
Tho I have less resistance
in the new path I lead.
The confusion of life still a Mystery.
But I go thru the waterfall
of life hoping to see
the new sides of me.

I'm growing up confusion
of the past version of my self
making me question?
what happen to the girl
I once was? but the confidence
is something I can't give up on.

I am growing up
into the beautiful woman that
should be deserving
of this world,
and not to give
into the temptations in sins.

I am growing up.
I'll put my best foot forward
to get up and moving.
I am growing up,
I'm going to fall asleep.
With the knowledge
of how much there is to grow
and all the lessons
I've been taught like
an archives set in stone.

I am growing,
day in and day out,
lessons once foreign to me
is now becoming my best frenemy.

I'm dealing new cards
and retiring old ones .
The pages I've filled are now
but a burden I must move
to the next page and paragraph
to start anew.

For growing takes a lot
when sometimes the lesson
involves just loving
yourself first in it all.

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