Chapter 5 : I Want To Protect You! So I Must..."DO" YOU!

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"Haven't you washed your back yet?" Midnight suddenly asked.

"not ye-" Yugen shook his head and replied unconsciously before realizing his sister's intention, but too late.

"Good, let me help you rub your back." Midnight took a loofah and filled it with soap.

"Oneesan, don't treat me as a little boy; I have grown up! Moreover, you know my quirk well; I don't need your help."

Although Yugen knows this seems like an opportunity for him, he knows clearly that his sister doesn't treat him as a man at all; in her eyes, he is just a little kid.

"Stop wasting time; give me your back quickly. Why are you shy like a girl? It is not like I have never seen your naked body."

holding the loofah, Midnight stared at Yugen with a smirk on her face.

"Don't tell me..."

She starts jiggling and says in a teasing tone, "Don't tell are attracted by your sexy oneesan's body? That's why you are shy around me."

As if to confirm her guess, she held her boobs up in both hands, covering only her nipples, and started squeezing and playing with them.

Seeing this scene, Yugen swallowed his saliva hardly, his heart is beating like a king's engine, and his little berserker is about to break through his seal. He Couldn't Wait to squeeze those meat balls with his hands.

"Oneesan, I'm a man after all!"

After all, Yugen is still a virgin in both lives, how can he stay calm after seeing such a scene?

"My cutie Yugen is really attracted to my body."

"I'm so happy!"

Seeing her little brother's reaction, Midnight smiled in her heart, making Yugen forget that his worries and pain are something she must do; no matter what the means, she will do it. after all...

'I'm alive now because of his parents!'

recalling how Yugen's parents sacrificed their lives to allow her escape, Midnight's smile froze for a while.

'God, grief, why am I so sentimental today? Wait, what day's today? If I remember correctly, today is April 4th...'

Midnight's eyes widened for a moment.

'How could I forget it? Yeah. Five years ago, on the same day, Yuna and Gen left this world.'

Midnight looked at Yugen; she seemed to realize something.

'He must be thinking about them; after all, this day is when his life turned upside down; how could he forget it?'

Midnight's charming eyes started getting red and watery, and she quickly diverted her attention to prevent tears from falling.

'I must stay strong; this kid had no one else to rely on in this world except me; I won't allow myself to appear weak in front of him!'

Midnigh quickly faked a wide smile and urged Yugen to let her rub his back so he couldn't notice her teary eyes.

"Oneesan, you really don't give up easily."

Yugen complained in a helpless tone.

"Your sister is a hero, heroes never give up!" Midnight raised her head proudly.

Maintaining the fetal position, he turned his body and gave his back to his sister.

Midnight put her hands on Yugen's shoulders and brought him closer to her body, only half an arm separated their bodies.

'It seems Yugen has really become a man.' Looking at her little brother, his well-defined back and hard muscles, his wide shoulders, and the results of his consistent training routine made his body appear more mature than his peers. Even though he is just a 14-year-old boy, his build is that of a 18-year-old fit young man.

Midnight was attracted by his muscles, unconsciously, she streeched her slender fingers and caressed his back, sending a shiver in Yugen's spin.

'What the hell! Why I'm so sensitive!' Yugen's face turned red, and he feels his body acting weird today, as if his sensitivity has increased a hundredfold. Just a light touch from midnight's finger made him shiver.

He can't deny that he liked this sensation, but he also hates it at the same time, making him feel like a weak girl.

Midight silently starts rubbing Yugen's shoulder; a deadly silence envelopes them, with no topic to talk about.

"By the way, Yugen..." suddenly broke the silence.

"What?" Yugen asked with a puzzled face.

"Do you have a girlfriend? After all, a boy as handsome as you must be popular with girls, right?"

The reason why she asked this question is because she wants to know if her little brother has a girl who loves him and he loves her back, because if he really has one, it will at least uplift his spirit and remove any depression he has. She knows clearly how powerful love is. Love can heal, but it can also destroy.

"A girlfriend will only slow my training speed." Yugen replied seriously. Although he never dated a girl back in his previous life, he understands that having a girlfriend is enjoyable, but he doesn't have time to spend on useless love and wasting time with a girl who is destined to not be with him in the future. Anything that slows his speed of improving his strength, he will kick it out of his life, including love.


"You are so obsessed with power, which starts making me worry... Yugen, I know that having power is good, but if the cost is your physical and mental health, then I won't support you. Boys at your age should be hanging with their friends, playing video games, dating girls, and creating beautiful memories that you can return to when you grow up! This lifestyle of yours isn't healthy at all!" Midnight got a little bit excited as she started rubbing Yugen's back quickly and pressing hard.

"ouch! Slow down, you are going to tear my skin!" Yugen screamed in pain and hurriedly begged midnight to slow down.

"Sorry, my emotions took over. Let me wash the soap off." Midnight apologized, then she started pouring warm water to clean Yugen's back.

"Sister, I know what you said is for my own good, but I really can't be like those ordinary people. Compared to dating strange girls or hanging with fake friends, what I want is to become strong, strong enough to protect you from any harm, strong enough to never lose you! I won't allow myself to lose my loved ones again."Yugen felt that he should tell midnight his motivation truthfully so she wouldn't bother him to stop his training again.

"Yugen..." Midnight's heart melted hearing Yugen's sincere reason and motivation. Knowing that Yugen wants to protect her, Midnight remembered for the first time after a long time of being a pro-hero that she is a woman in the end and can also be protected by a man.

"Yugen, I love you!" Midnight's eyes became red and she started crying. She hugged Yugen from the back, making their naked bodies touch each other.

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