- Introduction -

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You know how there's Good and Bad in the world? Heaven and Hell? Angels and Demons?

For every good person, or fae, there's an evil one out there. Somewhere.

Well it's the same for dragons.

And I'm not sure if I found the good one or the bad one.

Hello Family,

I'm sure you all are thrilled to ... read from me.

Until I found out you were spying on me the whole time?

Come one! Cassian? Do you have no trust in the way you trained me?

Or you Azzie? You made me a fucking shadow yet you've sent your shadows to spy on me?

I know I know, Im still a child in your eyes... but I'm as old as the others around me - besides I've survived with you as my "family", you really think this will kill me?

Anyway, I finally have the privilege to annoy you all with endless letters, the first year is over and I'm still alive baby.

So let me tell you about my year...

On my very first day I made a friend, Rhiannon. We ended up being in the same squad too - Fourth Wing, Flame Section, Second Squad. Two new friends we made in our squad are Ridoc and Liam. I know you told me to stick to the other fae around here... But she's a bitch and I'm this close to kill her every second she opens her mouth. And I really don't know why our wing leader is fucking with her- like literally. Humans need to meet more fae, otherwise he'd realize that she's not special. I really hope more fae will come to the riders and help mixing humans and fae in the future... Geographically our worlds are connected but somehow we are not. Back to this bitch tho. Her Name is Eve and she's the daughter of some lord from Autumn, who's dad is or was friends with Beron - this should be enough for you to know that she's a bitch. So anyway now my friends and our section leader Garrick are now judging Xaden for fucking with her. Which made Xaden, our wing leader, hate me... Don't ask me why just me and not the others too, but just me.

Maybe it was because I once said to Eve that I know she's just messing with him because she can't have the real Shadow boy ( yes I'm talking about you Az) - and he was right behind me. She looked offended tho, so add her to the endless list of girls that want to fuck Azriel, yet he still choses the life of abstinence.

Okay uhmmm all the fighting stuff is actually way too easy for me which is why I'm mainly training with Liam or Garrick and not the other first (now second) years.

The food is awful and doesn't get better the longer you eat it (pls Rhys I'm begging you, pull some strings and get me a care package).

Well other than that... I know you what you want me to talk about... The dragon who chose me.


What can I say - I or We were the talk of the month when he appeared during Threshing and chose me. Everything around me became black. I couldn't see anything and then... two glowing red eyes appeared in front of me and he spoke. He spoke in my head.

'I've been waiting for you.'

Then the darkness ... vanished and there he was. An enormous black dragon. His scales are razor sharp spikes, his horns ( he has for of them) are so long, I could hold them while riding him. His teeth come close to the size of you Cassian. His tail ends in something that fades into a shadow... just like his wings. They have holes in them and the ends fade into shadows...

He wasn't a normal black dragon I was sure of that.

Thanks to being a fae I got on top of his back and somehow managed to stay there during the flight.

I'm sure you heard all about the drama that went down afterwards.

He shouldn't be here.

He's supposed to stay a legend.

Is he even real?

How can he possible bond to someone?


He doesn't just look like the Dragon Amren told us about. The one she saw when she first landed on this continent.

He IS that dragon.

And he's a sarcastic bitch that doesn't know when to stay out of my head or my business- you two would get along so well.

But he's pretty cool.

And he's not screaming in my head rn to write this.

Well... and now to the other matter.

My...signet ...

So there's the one... everyone knows of... Shadow Wielding. That's kinda obvious with how Noctis looks (and forces me to spend more time with Xaden, since we both have the same signet and he's told to teach me).

But it's just one of them... Rhys... I feel it. I feel the blood of the people around me. One time Rhi was bleeding and it just wouldn't stop and I didn't know what to do... I just wished it would stop. And then I felt it. I felt her blood running out of the cut on her arm and... I made it stop?

I know it sounds crazy but.. then there was this other time ... I was just minding my own business during lunch and Eve had to sit down right in my eyesight and make out with Xaden... I got so annoyed... and just wanted it so end. I thought about blood running down her neck... and then... it started to run. Run out of her nose, down her mouth and...down her neck. She needed to go to the healer's because it just wouldn't stop.

Rhys.. what is wrong with me?

Noctis just tells me that he knew why he waited for me.

I know I should go to my teachers.. and learn how to control it.. but something tells me that I shouldn't.

Oh and Rhys... His power... feels like yours.

Talk to you all later...


With a sigh I put away my pen.

Shadows crawl around me and caress my face.

I smile and look at the male behind me.

"Did I wake you up?" I ask him.

"No... But I'm kind of offended our activities knocked me out more than they did to you." He laughs and gets out of my bed. His lips touch my shoulder blade, right where Noctis marked me. His fingers trace the thin lines on my body, that run from the dragon on my back all over my body.

"They're beautiful." He mumbles.

Pfff obviously. Noctis sighs and I feel him rolling his eyes.

"Come back to bed now." He says and walks backwards, dragging me with him. 

Corrupted by Darkness  - ACOTAR x Fourth Wing x OCWhere stories live. Discover now