Part 13

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Today they leave the house early because they want to go to the beach for a picnic. They brought the food that they bought yesterday. After setting their place under a shady tree, they sit down on the mat and prepare their food. All of them are enjoying the beautiful scene of the beach and sea. Suddenly, Seulgi comes out of nowhere with Jimin clinging to him like a koala. They giggle while walking towards the others.

"Aigoo, where do these two come from?" Chaeyoung said while eat an apple

"We enjoying the refreshing scene"

"Papa said we see the sexy tourist" Jimin innocently bragging

"Ayy, don't teach your son flirt like you" Moonbyul face palmed himself

"He already has that habit since born, right Ji?" Jimin nodded in agreement

"I want to borrow Jimin's mom for a while" Seulgi wriggles his eyebrows playfully

"Want to go on a beach date dude?" Seungwan teasing him

"Yes, but this buddy not give us a chance so we go for family date" Seulgi hold out his hand to help Irene stand up "Come baby, let's go"

"Come baby, let go~" Jimin followed what Seulgi said and he laughed

"See you all later" Seulgi said and they walk away

"Have fun!"

"What a nice little family" Solar compliments while looking at Kang's family

"We also will have a little family like that" Moonbyul poke Solar nose playfully

"You all should training from Seulgi before become a father" Solar said and winked at Moonbyul

"Solar is right, you all should learn from him" Eunbi added and chuckled

"Hyung is our role model" Chaeyoung said while Moonbyul and Seungwan nodded agree


"Guys, Yerim, Sooyoung and I want to visit Ashley's family later. Do you all want to go along?" Seulgi initiates conversation

"We'll join. Besides, Ashley unnie invite us too" Eunbi answered on behalf of everyone

"Alright" Seulgi turned to Chaeyoung "Chaeng, you'll go with us?"

"I don't know, hyung" Chaeyoung sighed

"If you don't want to join, it's fine. Don't force yourself" Seulgi said

"Wait Seul" Moonbyul said then he stared at Chaeyoung "Chaeng, tell me honestly, is your past still bothering you? I mean, it has been almost 10 years since the separation so I guess it is not a problem anymore. Besides, you have Jennie already"

"Tell us, Chaeng. Jennie will not scold you" Seungwan added

"That's right, hubby. Tell them what you feel right now" Jennie caressed Chaeyoung arm

However Chaeyoung is stubborn, he stood up and stomped his feet leaving the room. Everyone shocked seeing his reaction

"Park Chaeyoung! STOP RIGHT THERE" Seungwan shouted. Chaeyoung stopped immediately. "What is wrong with you? We just asked you if your past relationship is still bothering your mind. Do you feel guilty? Do you want to properly apologize to Ashley and her family? Since we're here now, you should use this chance to apologize for what you have done. Remember that you made Choi's family disappointed. We want to help you but you showing childish reaction"

"Sorry Seul if I move too far" Seungwan bowed

"It's okay. Carry on" Seulgi signaled Seungwan to continue

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