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roger went home lastnight, because he had band practice in the morning and had to shower and stuff

i on the other hand, have just got out of the shower and i am now writing poems

then i realized

i had school tomorrow.

i sighed and groaned, i only go to school tuesdays, thursdays and fridays, well college.

as i was thinking of an outfit my phone starting ringing, most likely roger, what a clingy boy.

"Hello?" i say into the phone "hi aubs" i hear roger say "whats up?" i ask him "can we hangout?" he asks

"rog, i have school tomorrow i need to get ready, plus don't you have band practice?" i tell him "we already finished" he tells me

"and what are you gonna do if i keep missing school and i get no job?" i ask him "force them to let you re try" he tells me

"rog, you have school to." i tell him "we're all thinking of dropping out" he tells me "why?" i ask him

"because we're in a band." he tells me "rog we can't hang out" i tell him "tell me why aubs" he says tryna get smart

"i just told you! school" i say shaking my head "i miss you" he tells me "i miss you most." i say back "then thats why we should hang out" i can tell he's smiling

"fine. you're leaving before nine" i tell him before he hangs up without a bye or see you soon


after awhile i was finishing up on writing when the door opened "hey gorgeous" he says hugging me "hi" i say smiling "there's left over breakfast on the stove if you wanna heat it up." i tell him

"what are you going to be?" he asks me as hes done heating up the food "what do you mean?" i ask "well, your in college. your obviously going to be something" he says shrugging "nothing comes to mind" i tell him

"do you see yourself getting anywhere?" he asks "nope, i just go because maybe i'm making my late auntie proud" i say closing my book and standing up

"she's always gonna be proud of you." he tells me "i hope." i say walking to my room

"have you always wanted to be a drummer?" i ask after coming out of my room "sort of, well, music was always something to me, but then after trying the drums for the first time, i fell in love" he tells me

"i always wanted to be a therapist, but it doesn't excite me anymore. but being an author does" i tell him "i can tell, your always writing" he tells me before going to put his dirty dish away

"just leave it in the sink, ill wash it later" i tell him


after a bit me and roger went and laid in my room "i feel so tired lately." i say yawning "what days do you go to college?" he asks "tuesdays, Thursdays and fridays" i tell him

"well that means, we get to hangout every, Monday, Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday" he says looking at me smiling

"do you ever miss home?" he asks me "home is here, i'm always home." i tell him "no, home when you were 12" he tells me

"hm," i say thinking "no, not anymore. i did for the first 3 years but, i got over it." i tell him

"why did you leave" he asks "well, they always ignored me when i said something, i could hide in my room for days and they wouldn't care, once i walked into the room they went quiet, they did everything for my aunties, birthdays, everything, every time it was my birthday, they would be to hungover to do anything, my aunties birthday is a day before mine. when i told them the month my auntie passed away, they ignored me, they just said "oh" like, you can do better then that. when my brother passed away, they didn't do anything for me, i was hurting and suicidal, when they found out i was they yelled at me, don't yell at a person when there suicidal, it makes it worse. they would make a big dinner but when its my turn to eat it will all be gone, i was running out of stuff, bras, underwear, socks, because i was scared of them, scared to ask them to buy me some, because i knew they wouldn't. when i ran away, i was free, i knew i was, but i was on my own, but i knew that i wouldn't have to live under rules anymore, i knew it was my life and i was gonna do whatever i wanted, and now here i am." i tell roger

Only you.   ben hardy/roger taylor x aubrey (based off of movie)Where stories live. Discover now