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* continuing from last chapter bc idk what to write *

while we were walking me and roger have been trying to push each other in every bush we saw

"kids settle down up there!" brian yells from behind as i push roger again "you know what?" roger says as he tries and balances himself

"hm?" i say smiling as he comes up to me, before i knew it he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder "roger!" i say kicking my legs

"put me down" i say punching his back and kicking my feet

"well behave!" he says as i give up on trying "but its fun" i say before a gush of wind came

"oh my gosh! roger roger roger!" i say trying to fix my dress "my dress is going up! put me down" i say as he holds my dress down "if i put you down you'll end up pushing me into a tree or something" he says as i laugh

"roger!" freddie calls from behind as he turns around "put the poor woman down" freddie says as mary giggles

"mary help" i say as i squirm again "quit squirming ill drop you" roger says as i start trying to wiggle myself out "its no use!" i say getting frustrated "your gripping to hard!" i say as he chuckles

"please put me down roger, we're almost there anyway!" i say as he stops walking and puts me down

"thank you!" i say interlocking our fingers together as we hear john and them cheering


we arrived at this little place 10 minutes later "i want," i say thinking "you" i whisper to roger since we're sitting beside each other

he looked at me smirking "just kidding" i say winking as his smirk falls

"i want.. is it to late for french toast?" i ask as roger shakes his head no "i want french toast!" i say smiling as freddie giggles


when we were done eating we were all sitting at the table, i was leaning my head on the table groaning "i ate to much" i say holding my stomach

"we all did love." mary says as i giggle "watch me get fat after this" i say leaning my whole body on the window beside me

"don't say that about yourself." roger says looking at me as i nod my head

"i miss my bed" i say closing my eyes "i miss my cat" i say kicking my foot against rogers

"we can go home later" roger says leaning on me "then we have to do a long ass walk back to the studio shit thing" i say groaning hearing the rest of the band and mary groan too

"we could've at least drove!" john says as we all agree

"well," roger says leaning forward "we can pay and go" he says as we all groan


"this walk sucks!" i say as i lean on roger, since we were holding hands

"hey can we get some drinks?" roger says as we slow down since we were passing a liquor store

"yes!" they all say as we walk in

"mm" i say trying to get rogers attention since hes taller then me and i was trying to whisper in his ear

"i'm sorry hun." he says leaning down

"i don't think i'm old enough for this" i say as roger chuckles "as long as you stay beside me we'll be okay, you gotta let me pay for what your getting though" he says as i groan

"no" i say as he grabs my hand and takes me to where the vodka is

i grabbed a bottle as roger grabbed a bigger bottle "this will hurt later." i say looking at them as me and roger walk up to the till

Only you.   ben hardy/roger taylor x aubrey (based off of movie)Where stories live. Discover now