Episode 1 | The search of tomorrow |

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***In the Paldea region... A region on a massive island... A certain Meowscarada would be on the outskirts of one of the outer beaches of the region in the southern part, contemplating the sea that stretched to the horizon of her view with the beautiful sunset...***

I can't believe I'm finally ready... For whatever I find and is waiting for me out there... so much to see and know...

***That cat's thoughts would be interrupted, when she caught something strange in the air, many Wattrel (Paldea's regional bird), would start flying in that direction and land that distant beach in a very crazy way***

What is- E-excuse me did something happen...?

***With the flock screaming and making crazy bird sounds, she wouldn't understand a thing***


***She would interrupt them to be stunned and silent in front of her...***

Very well... Ehm... Could you tell me what's wrong with you that you're like this...?

-Wattrel1: Watt! We were taking a break at the East Pond!

-Wattrel2: Watt! And suddenly there was a loud explosion in the distance!

Wattrel3: Watt!! We fled in terror! terrified!!

***As the flock goes wild again, that cat would think about that***

Hmm... (I certainly wanted to get out of my home to the outside world... But I can't leave knowing something must have happened...)

... I guess I'll have to go see...

***The flock would go crazy asking her a lot of questions, questioning her***

Wattrel3: "Watt! You are crazy?! Let the humans take care of it, there's no reason to put yourself at risk!"

Don't you worry, I'll just go take a look, I'm just curious to see what happened

***Deep down... What he had felt was a concern at the sudden situation... That cat's adventure was about to begin without her noticing...***

Don't worry, I'll just go check, maybe later you'll know that everything is in order, see ya

***He would make a farewell gesture and start heading in that direction.***

(East Area huh, I'd think it's far away but I think I can get there in time...)

***She herself did not know her own agility, climbing with ease a mountain that connects to the plains that would connect with the plain in that direction so as not to go around the connected river, she would run with great speed across that great green plain while it was still dusk... It looks like one of the Wattrels is following her in the distance...***

-Wattrel3: Watt!! Ah! Huff! Huff!... W-wait cat!!

***He would fly following her without being able to reach her speed, to which the girl would turn to look at him as if she were going at a calm speed***

Ah? What's going on? Weren't you and your flock going to stay away?

-Wattrel3: Watt! I came to warn you that it's crazy! A cat like you couldn't do anything!

I can take care of myself jum, I'd care about myself if I were you eh

***She would quicken the pace, leaving that Wattrel behind, she would begin to reach the dusty and desertical plains that is the East Area, entering the area, she would see the smoke caused by that explosion in the distance***

Leia The Nature Explorer, The origins [English]Where stories live. Discover now