Episode 8 | Last surprise |

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***With the Marvel intro music playing, mini-scenes from previous episodes start rolling, from action sequences to current positions... Showing us Team Leia with 2 Herba Mystica, Rocus with 2 Herba Mystica... Until the scene slowly shifts, focusing on that cave atop a wide hill with a cliff at the end.***


***It seems like a few weeks have passed... Team Leia is peacefully watching over things, equally monitoring from the nearby Lighthouse, and the Wattrels outside the cave on the hill.***

***Area 1 Southwest, scene of events: at thelighthouse of this place, with the hill where the cave of the last HerbaMystica is on the background***

***Area 1 Southwest, scene of events: at thelighthouse of this place, with the hill where the cave of the last HerbaMystica is on the background***

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"We see Leia just lying there, entertaining herself with her floating flower.


Could it be that we've actually won without even realizing it? Even if Rocus survived, I don't see him achieving anything on his own, especially now that he's blinded...

***Then we see Zeik lying in the middle of a railing.***

-Zeik: Watt... I hope that's the case... But you said as long as he's not imprisoned or dead, anything is possible...

I know... Even if he were to return... What could have happened that he hasn't shown any signs? Every time he reappears, there's always a plan or a surprise...

-Zeik: Watt, or perhaps he simply decided to retire from evil since he couldn't continue... Yeah, as if...

***Both sigh, and Leia gets up and stands beside Zeik.***

Nothing today either?

-Zeik: Watt, nothing today either... Watt, wait... What's that...

***The theme song starts playing...***"

Do you think it could be...

***Leia focuses her gaze on that figure slowly walking up the main path towards the hilltop...***


***Definitely... It was Rocus with his blindfold... Slowly walking with his guiding cane...***

What's he planning now... Let's go...

***Both jump and descend from the lighthouse, landing in front of Rocus, who seems to have noticed them***

-Rocus: That sound... Ha! It's my two favorite scents!

Enough with the act Rocus... It seems you've heightened your other senses to compensate for your blindness... But don't think you'll set foot in that cave...

Leia The Nature Explorer, The origins [English]Where stories live. Discover now