Episode 12 | Over the horizon... Farewell Paldea, until we meet again! |

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***A few days have passed... Right now, there's a television report...***

*"Right now, I'm at the scene of the incident, this accident is unprecedented, but according to those close to it, a huge monster appeared on this hill, and two brave heroes confronted it. If they hadn't stopped it, who knows how much more damage it would have caused to our region..."*

***The report continues, showing several people and Pokémon working on the reconstruction of the hill where the incident occurred. In the background, there's a small nod, showing the Copperajah and Cufant that Leia had helped before. There's also a brief mention in the news that Nix and his gang were arrested, followed by a video from a distant camera, the figures of that event a bit blurry.***

*"... What's most impressive, is that this act wasn't even the work of a trainer or champion; it was two unidentified wild Pokémon. This raises the question: where are these heroes now?"*

***The television is turned off. Slowly, the camera pulls away, revealing Leia and Zeik watching it within the small waiting room at the Paldea Ferry station.***

Well... So now we're heroes huh... I know I won't be able to deal with fame if it happens...

-Zeik: Especially you, you were amazing!

Heh, well it was a team effort more than anything else...


***An announcement in the waiting room changes from "Waiting" to "Boarding." Both stand up and slowly walk towards the exit, standing in front of the Ferry.***

-Zeik: Do you really have to go...?

Before all this, I was going to do it to find out what I want to do, with that huge world out there beyond Paldea... And now... I'm more certain about it...

-Zeik: B-but if you stay, people will adore you! You could be the local hero, you don't have to leave!

Oh, you silly birdbrain... Now that I'm one with the Herba Mysticas, if I stay in Paldea, someone like Rocus, might appear again searching their power... But... I don't have to limit myself to just being the hero here... Out there... there might be individuals as strong and wicked as Rocus... Now that I'm stronger, I'm confident I can help more people, not just from one region, but from all over the world!


-Zeik: If that's the case, let me go with you! We're a good team, don't you think? I can keep helping you!

***Leia turns to Zeik, taking his wings in her hands.***

Of course, I'd love that, but I need someone to take care of Paldea while I'm away... And besides... you have a new responsibility here too...

***Leia makes Zeik look back, where the flock of Wattrels is standing in formation, displaying a firm squadron posture.***

*"Watt! Ready at your orders captain!"*

-Zeik: C-captain? Me?... You Guys...

***Zeik turns back to Leia in surprise.***

The Wattrel flock, even you, despite being small and fearful, always showed great bravery, and you are the leader they need now... and that Paldea needs!"


-Zeik: Leia... I... Thank you...

***Both look at each other, nodding, as Leia slowly boards the Ferry... Turning back once more....***

-Zeik: Will I see you again?

As long as there's any situation that requires this duo... rest assured that yes... Don't forget to keep in touch often, okay?

-Zeik: Heh... I definitely will... Goodbye...

***Leia smiles gratefully as she boards, and the Ferry closes its doors, slowly beginning to depart... Leia is in the open area of the ferry, taking one last look at her home....***

-Zeik: Leiaaa!!


***Leia quickly rushes to the edge of the ferry, putting her hands on the railing as she looks, seeing Zeik and the Wattrels flying a bit off behind the Ferry.***


-Zeik: Leiaaa!!! ...Thank you... Thank you for everything!!!! Thank you for the adventure!!!!

***Upon seeing Zeik and the Wattrels saying goodbye, the ferry slowly drifted away from Paldea... Leia's eyes beginning to shed tears, raising and shaking her hands up to say goodbye***


Thank you!! Thank you all!!! ... We'll see each other again!!! Goodbye!!!!!.... Goodbye....


***The ferry had completely distanced itself from Paldea... Leia wiped her tears after bidding farewell for a while, until they were no longer in sight, nor her home...***

I promise to do good for the world because of you all...

***Leia turns now to the other side, to the long, vast horizon of the sunset, to the vast world out there that needs her, with a calm breeze...***

Farewell Paldea... Until we meet again...

***The closing theme being: "Can you feel the sunshine - Sonic R"***

***playing beautifully as the credits roll... (Written by @absolish

Directed by @absolish

Characters created by @absolish


***With small scenes from the series playing as the song is the only sound... As the song progresses, the camera remains still, capturing only that Ferry where Leia is, departing from the scene towards that beautiful horizon... and the scene slowly fading into a black background as the song fades out...***


THE END.....?

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