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"You two a thing yet?" I hear Riddles voice from behind me, I shake my head.

"Absolutely not, he thinks I have some crush on him I do not." I respond, turning around to see him in qudditch gear.

"Trying out too?" I ask, he laughs and nods his head.

"No shit." He responds, I roll my eyes before looking back at the other teams trying out.

"Theodore said you disappeared, where too?" I ask him, he chuckles a bit.

"Full of questions today aren't you?" He asks, I roll my eyes before looking back at him.

"I was in the library reading I couldn't be bothered going to potions." He responds, I smile at him and shake my head.

"Oh my gosh- you missed out on Theodore fucking up the potion!" I tell Mattheo as he takes a seat next to me.

"He told me, he also said you screamed at him." He responds, I nod my head proudly.

"Obviously! He made it explode the dickhead." I state, I can feel Mattheo staring.

"He didn't tell me that bit." Riddle says, laughing a bit to himself.

"Yeah well he did, he's so dumb like I don't get what goes on in his brain." I explain, throwing my hands in the air. He's still staring.

"I better go as tryouts are starting." He says, smiling at me. I nod my head and smile back.

i watch as Pansy and Daphne slowly make their way to the bleachers as Slytherin is starting. Mattheo starts to walk away

"Good luck Riddle?" I say, doubtfully towards Mattheo. He stops before turning around

"Thanks but I wont need it." He responds cockily, with a faint smirk on his face before walking away.

Pansy and Daphne take a seat next to me, before staring at me.

"A little enemies to lovers huh?" Pansy says, shoving me. I stare at her.

"No we are only getting along." I respond, rolling my eyes, before seeing all the houses now doing tryouts.

"Whatever you say?" Daphne copies my words from early.

10 minutes later into tryouts..

"He looks even better when he's playing quidditch" Daphne says, googling eyeing Theodore. I laugh a bit before feeling the breeze against my skin.

"Why didn't I bring a god damn jumper." I complain, both the girls laugh.

"Don't worry girl I didn't bring a jacket either." Daphne responds, hugging me as we both try to warm up.

After a while it starts to rain a bit. I watch as Daphne uses her wand to steal some randoms umbrella for us. We are watching as McLaggen threw the quaffle at the end of Riddles broomstick making him fall off, soon enough McLaggen lands and laughs at him. Mattheo looks pissed as he makes his way towards him. No one else had made their way down to the ground as the two start to argue more.

McLaggen throws a punch at Mattheo, you could see Riddle curl his hands into fists as he grabs a hold of McLaggen. Whatever he said made McLaggen go pale. Riddle then zooms back off into the sky to continue playing.

"Wonder what that was about?" Daphne questions, I keep staring at Riddle as he is flying.

"Probably McLaggens dirty playing." I answer, both the girls agree.

after tryouts..

"say hi to our new captain!" Theodore says, putting his arm around Riddles shoulders.

"not like it was a surprise he has always been the best player" Draco says, patting him on the back.

"I'm going to kill McLaggen." Blaise says, storming up to us.

"Why?" I ask, he shakes his head.

"Don't worry." He says, glaring at him.

Riddle, Nott, Malfoy, Greengrass, Parkinson and Zabini start to walk back to the castle. It's still raining as where walking, I slow down and fall behind the group. As I stare at the sky. Even though it's pissing down rain.

"Hey princess." McLaggens voice is heard behind me. I can never escape this guy..

"I'm not in the mood right now." I say, picking up my pace.

"Wait up." He says grabbing my wrist, I scoff and get out of his grip.

"I said i'm not in the mood." I repeat myself, he laughs.

"So?" He responds, I nod my head.

"Of course you don't care you're so self centred." I respond, storming away.

"I said wait." He raises his voice a bit, grabbing my wrist tighter.

"What do you want?" I ask him, as I'm now completely soaked.

"I want you." He says, smirking as he now grabs my waist. I try to get out of his grip.

"Get off me!" I yell at him, slapping his chest, trying to get him off me.

"No." He responds, about to kiss me before getting thrown off and landing on the ground.

"She said get off." Riddle spat, venom laced on each word. Mattheo slowly gets down to his eye level.

"Touch her, speak to her, even look at her and I will not hesitate to come find you." He says, grabbing McLaggen by the top. McLaggen slowly nods his head.

"Let's go." Riddle says, putting his arm around my shoulder. I warm up from his touch, I take my glasses off as I can't see with them on now.

"Thank you." I respond, he nods his head as we enter indoors.

His arm is still around my shoulder, as people are now starting to stare in the corridors. He smirks as he pulls me closer obliviously enjoying the attention. I'm still freezing my ass off as we make it to the common room.

"Cold?" He asks, I nod my head. He takes off his jumper as its barely soaked and gives it to me.

"I want it back as well as my other clothes." He states, pointing at me. I laugh and nod my head.

"You will get them back don't worry Riddle." I respond, with my hands up as we enter the common room.

"Nice jumper Ellie." Blaise says, smirking. I just roll my eyes at him.

"Real funny Blaise." I respond, with a sarcastic smile

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