Chapter 5 - Do love a magnet

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The door banged. Quackity looked through the window peering in at Tallulah and Wilbur. Wilbur let go of hugging Tallulah.

"Oh Tallulah, Quackity is here" Wilbur stumbled.

"Alright then I'll leave you two too it" Tallulah winked.

"OH NO TALLULAH STAY!" Wilbur cried to her as she walked up the ladder. Wilbur took in a deep breath and unlocked the door. "Hey Quackity..." Wilbur stumbled. Wilbur was very red in the cheeks. Quackity's sleek black hair was coming from outside his blue beanie. He was holding a white coloured flower and reached his hand towards Wilbur grinning.

"This is for you Wilbur" Quackity smiled. Wilbur's heart twisted like a spiral. His cheeks flushed even redder and pinker than before. Wilbur put his hand out and took the flower from Quackity. "Awww... thanks Quackity..." Wilbur tripped.

"Wilbur. There's no reason to be nervous. You weren't nervous yesterday..." Quackity softly said.

"But like each time I see you, I get more nervous because you get prettier and prettier." Wilbur muttered. Wilbur put his hand over his mouth realising he'd said his thoughts aloud. Quackity blushed. "So uhh uhmmm do you want to come inside?" Wilbur asked, tripping between words. Wilbur's heart was thudding so hard he felt like it was going to fall out of his chest.

"Sure!" Quackity grinned.

"Alright, you go sit on the couch then, I'm going to run upstairs and tell Tallulah your over" Wilbur nervously smiled. Quackity nodded and walked into the house. Wilbur at the speed of lightning, climbed up both the ladders into Tallulah's room where she was practicing guitar. Wilbur puffed after climbing.

"Hi Papi...are you okay? You look very red in the face" Tallulah asked.

"Tallulah... you know how you said you could help me with Quackity... I need help. I know it's probably weird to be asking you because you're my daughter. But look I felt like I was going to faint down there" Wilbur whispered.

"Yeah, I can help Papi. What would you like me to do?" Tallulah whispered back.

"Uhmmm I'm not exactly sure. Can you just come down with me? I might feel less nervous if you're with me" Wilbur whispered in response. Tallulah nodded.

"That's absolutely fine" she replied.

Wilbur and Tallulah arrived downstairs.

"Hi again Wilbur!" Quackity grinned.

"Hi Quackity!" Wilbur replied.

"Hey Wilbur, I have a question. Can I call you honey?" Quackity asked.

"UHMMMM UHHHHH YEAH SURE!" Wilbur stumbled loudly, blushing. "Okay then, honey." Quackity flirted. A chill rushed through Wilbur's bones. He tapped Tallulah who was standing next to him and looked at her terrified.

Tallulah turned to look at her dad, and mouthed to him, "You're doing great Papi. Just act normal".

"Also, hi Tallulah, how are you?" Quackity addressed Tallulah, clearly seeing Wilbur was having a nervous breakdown in the corner of the room.

"Hi Mr. Quackity, I can talk now. I also have wings! So, I'm good. My AMAZING Papi has been teaching me how to sing!" Tallulah grinned. Wilbur muttered curses under his breath and glared and Tallulah. She giggled and then put her hand over how mouth jokingly. "WOW TALLULAH THAT'S AMAZING! YOUR VOICE IS SO PRETTY! I also bet Wilbur is doing an AMAZING job teaching you how to sing." Quackity replied and then winked at Wilbur.

"OKAY UHMMM... QUACKITY CAN I GET YOU A DRINK?" Wilbur asked in an incredibly stressed tone.

"I mean a can of beer would be great if you have one." Quackity replied.

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