Why is Influencer Marketing so Effective Today?

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In this age of social media and all things digital, "influencers" have risen to prominent celebrity status. Some years ago, influencers were called bloggers or vloggers, but now, the term "influencer" fits them better — this is because they have the power to influence the beliefs and decisions of their followers/ fans. Why is that? Let's explore the reasons.

Influencers on social media are relatable. They're not like movie stars who seem like they live totally different lives and are way out of touch with the "regular life". Social media influencers make content that resonates with their target audience — be it comedy sketches about everyday life or regular people, be it skin and weight struggles, be it gardening or creating art of any kind.

We inhale good content that matches our interests, and in doing so, we establish a relationship with the influencer in question. We subconsciously start thinking that they are just like us and understand our struggles and our problems. Then, it's only natural that we start trusting them for solutions as well.

As long as the content comes from a reliable source (or one that you trust as reliable but may not be the most credible), audiences tend to follow what their favourite social media influencer is saying. And that's why Influencer Marketing is so successful and so relevant in this day and age. There's also a very apt flip side to it.

Source: https://insightssuccess.in/why-is-influencer-marketing-so-effective-today/

Read More: https://insightssuccess.in

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2024 ⏰

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