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y/n widen her eyes and turned around only to see the head maid of the house smiling at her . Y/n walked backwards while looking at her with wide eyes thinking she would be a threat to her plan . The maid looked at her in confusion

Maid - "did you lost your way mrs kim??" She asked while Smiling

Y/n didn't said anything and opened the main door behind her back slowly then ran outside as fast as she could . The maid gasped and was about to run upstairs to call tae but y/n was determined to run today . She sat in jk's car while jungkook drove fastly.

Y/n - "the head maid saw me" she said and started breathing heavily

Jk - "we have to get away as fast as we can" he replied and turned the car in the forest while driving fastly)

Y/n - "why are we going this way?" She asked with widen her eyes

Jk - "this is the only way tae could not reach us quickly" he answered and started driving fastly

Y/n gulped down in fear and kept looking behind as all the lights in the mansion lit up with loud gunshots . Y/n closed her eyes tightly and covered her ears while looking away from the hell she was trapped in like a bird . Her body started shivering in fear as she tried to control it .

Y/n - "what if he found out that you helped me escape??" She started whispering in fear

Jk - "he can never find that out...don't worry . Just stay calm" he said and started driving faster

Y/n - "I don't know how to pay you back for this..." She started and tears rolled down her eyes

Jk - "you don't have to do that y/niee . Just do me a favour" he said while driving fastly then glanced at her

Y/n - "what is it??" She asked while wiping her tears)

Jk - "be safe without me . He will try to find you no matter what happens dont surrender otherwise there is no coming back" he said while driving faster . Y/n nodded and hugged her knees being scared . Jungkook stopped the car near a lake and looked back at her fastly

Jk - "you have to run on your own now . After a few minutes you will see the city lights then you'll be safe from tae atleast for this night . Here keep this phone and cash....your life is on the line y/n . I will go back and shoot down a few men so they don't come here" he said while giving her some stuff with a worried face

Y/n nodded while wiping her face and walked outside of the car . Jk cupped her face and kissed her forehead while looking at her silently for a while then he made her wear his coat and sat back in the car . He started driving back to the mansion while looking back time to time until y/n disappeared from his sight .

Y/n took a deep breath and started running as fast as she can in that condition . That night all y/n could think of was to as fast as she could for her life from a monster who was behind it . She kept running until she got unconscious near a orphanage .


Tae was sitting in his living room while tapping his feet angrily going crazy over the situation . A man walked there and placed a file infront of him being hesitate . Tae looked up at him with his dark gaze enough to run chills down the man's spine .

Man - "h-heres everything we could find about her sir"  he said and gulped in fear while looking down

Tae took the files while reading them carefully then threw it over his face as gritted his teeth while getting up angrily . The man walked backwards and fell on the ground in fear . Tae kicked his stomach and sat down on his toes then pointed the gun in his mouth angrily while holding his jaw tightly.

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