Part-16 ??

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The Next day you woke up with an extream grabbed your head with your hands as it is aching badly

Y/N - why my head is aching like this

Suddenly something hits you from the last night you quickly looked around and got up from the bed

Y/N - Jungkook

You got surprised by to seeing him sleeping next to then you looked yourself in the mirror and your eyes widen seeing hickeys on your neck

Y/N - No....No....Not again
You quickly got up from the bed and went straight to the bathroom to wear your clothes

After coming from bathroom you saw jungkook is still sleeping you quickly collect your luggage and left from there

You also didn't even know what happened last night what you tell him
at this moment you just want to leave this place

You have a flight at 5:00 am and its 3:45
you saw your phone which is filled with soobin's messages you quickly Called him

Y/N - Hello

Soobin- Hello Y/N are you okay

Y/N - Yeah i just fell asleep

Soobin- I was so scared I even came to your room but you didn't opened the door so i thought you are sleeping so i didn't disturb you

Y/N - Oh i am really sorry

Soobin- Its Okay Our Cab has been arrived now come outside

Y/N - Yeah i am just coming


Jungkook's POV

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Jungkook's POV

I was sleeping peacefully suddenly my phone started ringing disturbing my peace i groan and pick my phone from the nightstand without opening my eyes i picked the call


Jungkook- Hello who the hell is it?

?? - Sir its me

He quickly opened his eyes and looked at the caller id

Jungkook- Yes

?? - Sir we got it

Jungkook- Okay then i will be there at 3:00 pm

Sir - Okay sir

He cutted the call and looked around the last night clips started playing in his mind he looked around to found you but you're not there he quickly got up from the bed and went to check in the bathroom but you're not there he saw your luggage is not here

Jungkook- You again Run away from here Y/N

"But Not this Time just wait and watch"

He got ready to leave for korea

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