A Baby Makes Three: CaptainSwan

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Emma gazed at the pregnancy test she held in her shaking hands.
"Emma, I'm heading out," Hook yelled to his wife as he headed out to do some hunting with Robin.
"Okay, I love you," Emma yelled back. "Love you too. Bye," Hook said then was out the door.
Once she knew that Hook had left, she looked back at the test that read "PREGNANT" in big black bold letters. "Oh My God," Emma said to herself. She quickly leaped up and headed to her parents house.

Emma knocked at her parents door hoping that they were there or more importantly that her mom was. Thankfully the door opened and her mom was standing on the other side with her baby brother on her hip. "Hey Emma, what are you going here?" Her mother asked. "I have to tell you something," Emma said frantically entering the house,"Is daddy here?"
"No, he is at the sheriffs station," her mother replied,"Do you want me to call him?"
"No I rather just talk to you and you ax tell him later," Emma ansewred.
"Emma, what is going on?" Her mother asked getting worried.
"This." Emma said pulling the pregnancy test from her purse.
"Oh my god," her mother said in shock and happiness.
"That's what I said," Emma said placing her head on the table.
"How does Hook feel about this?" Her mother asked.
"I don't know, I haven't told him," Emma replied.
"Why haven't you?" Her mother asked. "I don't know mom because I just found this morning."
"Oh ok, Emma," her mother replied,"How do you feel about it?"
"I was shocked and surprised at first, but now I'm just filled with happiness," Emma said," Me and Hook have talked about having a baby since we got married which was three years ago."
"Then everything is going to be fine, Emma." her mother said," He is going to be overjoyed by this news. I know I am."
"Thanks mom," Emma said.
"For what?" Her mother asked.
"For being my mom," Emma smiled.
"It's my pleasure," her mother smiled and hugged her.
Emma and her mom talked a little more then Emma headed home.

On her way home, she stopped to pick up Hook something to help her tell him the news.
Once Emma got home, she starred to make a special dinner for her husband. Around 8, Hook came home while Emma was waiting for him in the dining room with dinner.
"Wow, this smells amazing," Hook said entering the dining room and quickly gave his wife a kiss.
"Thank you, I try," Emma smiled.
"How did hunting go?"
"It was good, but I'm happy to be home with my beautiful wife and a wonderfully cooked meal."
"Let's eat," Emma said and the couple started to eat.
"That was amazing, Emma," Hook said once he finished his meal.
"Thanks, baby," Emma smiled, "I hope you have some room for dessert."
"I think I can make some," Hook stated.
"Ok good," Emma said heading to get it.
"Oh cake, my favorite," Hook said once he saw the cake in Emma's hands.
"I hope you like it," Emma said placed the cake in front of him.
Hook looked at the cake which had writing on it which read,"I'm pregnant. Your going be a father."
He quickly looked up at his wife who had a big smile on her face. "Are you serious?" Hook said looking at Emma.
"Yes. I'm having a baby." Emma said.
"No, we're having a baby," Hook smiled wrapping his arms around his wife and giving her a very passionate kiss.
"I love you Emma," Hook said.
"I love you more."

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