Will You Marry Me? (Emma and Hook/CaptainSwan)

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Plot: Hook asks Emma to marry him.


It was a Saturday afternoon, today was the day that Hook was going to propose to Emma.

Earlier in the week, Hook had asked Emma's parents for their blessing.

"I want to marry your daughter," Hook said looking at Emma's parents.
"You want to what?" David said looking at Hook and then his wife.
"He said, he wants to marry our daughter, David," Mary Margaret said looking at her husband.
"Ok, that's what I thought he said," David said sitting down next next to his wife.
"David and Mary Margaret, I love you your daughter so much," Hook stated.
"We know, Hook. We how much you do for her and how you protect. For me, I give you my blessing," Mary Margaret said with smile then looked at her husband.
"Fine," David said then looking at his wife then at Hook,"You have my blessing, Hook, but if you ever heard don't think twice that I won't come after you."
"Yes, mate, I understand," Hook said,"Thank you."

Hook had reserved Granny's for the night. He also asked Regina to take Henry for the night, which he was complying fine with. All he need now was Emma to come.

About fifteen minutes passed until Emma came. Emma walked in Granny's in an amazing red dress as beautiful as ever.
"Swan, you beautiful," Hook said standing up from the table.
"Thanks," Emma smiled,"So what's with the empty Granny's and me in a dress, what are you up to Hook."
"Your going to have to wait and see, love," Hook said with a smile, then they began to eat.

For desert, Hook brought out two mugs of hot chocolate with whipped cream and cinnamon on top.
"Hot chocolate!" Emma exclaimed.
"Yep, your favorite," Hook said with a smile,"But this one is special."
"What's so special about it?" Emma asked
"Look at it closely," Hook said looking down at Emma's mug.

Emma looked down at her mug closely, when Emma looked she saw a ring on the side of the plate with her mug.
"Hook, what's going on?" Emma said seeing the ring.

Hook grabbed the ring than got on knee next to Emma.
"Emma Swan, I love you so much. We have been through so many things, curses and all and my love just growing stronger and stronger that I'm with you. One thing I'm sure of in life is I love and will always lobe you for the rest of my life." Hook said looking at Emma, "Will Marry Me, luv?"

Emma sat for a minute in shock with tears forming in her eyes and then finally answered,"Yes, Yes I'll marry,"  Emma cried.
"You will?" Hook muttered.
"Yes!" Emma said and leaded and kissed Hook passionately

"I love you, Swan," Hook smiled.

"I love you, Captain."


Hope you guys liked my first OUAT One-Shot! Request in the comments and I'll update soon.
Love you guys,

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