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Mr. Park leaned against the desk in Taehyung's office, worry etched across his face. "Taehyung, I'm concerned about the future of the business. It seems like none of my children have a genuine interest in taking over. You are the only hope I have."

Taehyung sighed, glancing out of the window. "Y/n does care. Not just your business, she is interested in my business too."

His father raised an eyebrow skeptically. "Taehyung, let's be honest. Y/n's heart lies more in charity work than in running a company. I've seen her dedication to various causes. But I can't really entrust the business to her."

Taehyung leaned forward, "She has more interest in me and my business than her sister, she should become my future wife."

He exclaimed, and regretted as soon as the words left his tongue, marrying Y/n sounds so weird, he doesn't want that. He doesn't like marriage itself.

"What? You want to marry Y/n?" Her father was surprised by Taehyung's stupid request.

"No, just saying. I respect you Mr. Park, and I want to marry your daughter, it doesn't matter which one." Taehyung exclaimed.

"Chaeryeong, is fine for you, she is your type I believe." Her father said. Taehyung narrowed his eyes, even though he doesn't know what his type is, but one thing for sure Chaeryeong is not his type. "Also I have other plans for Y/n,"

He looked at her, Other plans? What type of plans because there is no freaking way he would allow Y/n to marry anyone.

"What plans?" He asked. Her father smiled, And Taehyung doesn't like it at all.

"I will let you know, soon." He exclaimed, and then he looked at his watch. "I should leave now."

"Yeah, let me walk you outside." Taehyung said, Y/n's father is Taehyung's father's friend, but now he is just more close to Taehyung.

Both find interest in business and management.

As he said goodbye to her father, he was left alone thinking about Y/n. She is truly like poison in his life.

He hates this feeling, he hates how she can intoxicate him with just mere thought of her.

"Other plans?" Taehyung mumbled. He tries to think of any possible match for her within their circle which might be her father considering.

But she is not getting married. Her name can't be attached to anyone's name, not even his. He will k!ll the person who even thinks he can marry her.

Taehyung smirked at the thought, how exciting it would be to k'll her future husband on the wedding day, and fcking her in her bridal dress covered in someone else's body.

That way she will also know that for her it's forbidden to think about anyone else. She belongs to him, and can be only owned by him or no one.

She doesn't even have a fiance, or boyfriend. Still, the thought of k!ll men who touch or dare to think of her gives him a thrill. He feels heat in him, like a burning passion.

He decided to go back home, he thinks of so much, he wondered how much he would have thought of her if she was sweet to him? She is only rude to him, but he can imagine how hard it would be for him if she was sweet to him.

When Taehyung reached home, he saw Jungkook. "How was your day?" Jungkook asked.

Taehyung would like to ignore Jungkook, but it's Jungkook who always try to interact. "Awful, all because of Y/n."

"What she did wasn't wrong," Jungkook said.

"No, what she did was wrong, she shouldn't have leaked the information." Taehyung exclaimed.

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