Prologue 2 - Where am I?! What world am I in now?!

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Reader's POV

After waking up from an unconscious state, I could feel that my surroundings were more confined. Everything around me was push and soft to the touch, so thankfully I was cushioned. However, that was when a rattling was heard in front of me.

'What's that noise?' I thought. If it was an enemy, I'd definitely want to keep my guard up.

"I better hurry up and find that uniform before someone spots me."

The voice sounded like nasally and high in pitch. And from the rattling sounds, they were trying to open whatever I was in.

"Urgggh... this lid weighs a ton!" They said. 'Sounds like they're trying to remove my cover.' I smirked at their attempt, and decided to give them a hand. So, gathering my strength to a good controlled amount, I simply pushed the cover off, which seemed to scare them away from my, so called 'prison'.

"Myaaaahh!!" They screamed, which had me look down to see that the person was moreso, a strange gray and white cat-like creature with a three prong tail and had blue flames in his ears. He was also sporting a black and white striped ribbon that was torn at the edges. "What?! You ain't supposed to be awake!"

I tilted my head in confusion. What kind of creature was this? How could it talk? "Wait, a talking..." I began, still trying to figure out what animal it was, "...weasel?"

This seemed to make him mad, as he glared at me and I could see the tips of the flames turn a little red. "How DARE YOU!! I am no weasel!" He began, turning his anger to something else. "I am Grim, Sorcerer Extrodinare!"

'Huh!' I thought. 'Guess that's his name. Ok! I'm cool with that!' Before I could introduce myself to him, he pointed his paw at me; almost like he was pointing a finger to someone. "Now gimme your uniform, and be quick about it!"

This had me getting mad, so I glared at the little guy. 'Doesn't he know that my Gi is important?! How dare he talk to me like that!' I clenched my fist, which had him recoiling back a little.

"Hey! My Gi is important to me! It was from my brother, Goku! You got some nerve asking for it!" This had him less mad, and more confused. "What's a 'Gi'? I'm talking about the ceremony uniform you're wearing right now, buddy!"

This had me confused now. 'Ceremony? What ceremony?' So I looked down to see that my clothes had been swapped out for some sort of robes. They are black with purple designs at the ends and a golden ring at the edges. I could also feel what was a hood on top of my head, blocking my hair and eyes a bit. I'll admit it was comfy, but not very good for someone who does martial arts.

"Well these are going to get in my way. Anyway, Grim, you sure you want my uniform?" I asked him. "I probably don't have anything else to wear under these."

"If that's true," he replied, then pointing to the bag beside me, "then what's in that bag?" I looked to my leg and saw a (f/c) duffel bag next to me. I didn't own anything like that, so it was definitely weird seeing it with me. "Whatever," he spoke up again, with a smirk plastered on his fluffy face, "if you don't gimme your uniform, I'll roast you and make you regret it!"

Seeing him about to blast me, I jumped over him with the bag, and felt better as the hood fell down. Although, I admit, seeing as he wanted to fight, got me excited. After all, we Saiyans love a good fight!

"Heh!" I let out a low chuckle. "Getting roasted alive by a little weasel? What will I dream of next?" I tease, making him go into a small rage again. I could even feel a small power spike from him! "Well, keep dreaming 'cause I ain't no weasel!!"

After he began shooting more flames at me, I Z-vanished to outside of the room we were in, and stood in shock at the world I was in. "Where am I?!" I asked aloud. Whatever, I had to get away from that creature to find out where I am.
After running past what looked like classrooms, a courtyard, and other hallways until I made it to what seemed to be a type of Library. Only thing that had me a little weirded out, was the fact that there were books that flew around and others that were frozen in place from falling over, while there were some small piles on tables that looked like they were being used.

"Wow!" I exclaimed. "Never seen a place like this. If I knew where I was, I'd have remembered..." that was when. My train of thought was interrupted by a ring of fire surrounding me and that strange weasel-cat jumping over it and standing in front of me. 'Ah, jeez... this thing again?!'

"Grrr... you foolish human!" He yelled, anger clear in his face and voice this time around. 'Wait a minute...' I pondered what he said. 'He thinks I'm a human?!' This got me to laugh a little but I had to stiffle it, to make sure I didn't anger him further. "Did you really think you could slip away from me?!"

I was trying so hard not to laugh. I still can't believe he thinks that I was a human! 'Oh Kami, is he in for a shock!' I snickered more, and to think that he was so oblivious. 'He's never seen an alien woman before?!' "Now, unless you wanna get burned to a crisp," he started up, unaware of my hidden laughter, "TAKE OFF THAT–"

Whoosh! Snap!

The sound of a whip caught us both off guard, and soon was wrapped around the little guy. "Me-YEOW!!!" That'd got to hurt. Aw, poor thing! "That hurts! What gives?!"

After he said that, a man soon entered, wearing a type of formal attire, a black and blue coat over his shoulders, with a top hat on and that seemed to be a crows mask to cover the top of his face, so all it showed was two small yellow flecks as eyes. He also was wearing rings that made it look like he has claws for fingers.

His entire being looked dangerous, so I started to glare at him. Although it looked like his attention was more on the fluff-ball than me right now. "Consider it 'tough love'!" He shouted, scaring Grim. 'Ok, he is so on my stay away list!' I thought to myself. Unfortunately his face soon turned to me, with a smile that did NOT look welcoming. "Ah, I found you at last. Splendid." He spoke, sounding happy for some reason. "I trust you're one of this year's new students?"

'Hold up! Student?!' His smile never left his face, while I glared more intensely at his figure. 'I've never been to school in my life!' "My, were you ever eager to make your debut. And bringing a poorly trained familiar with you? That is a clear violation of the school rules." Grim seemed to be struggling to get out, and then, he decided to speak up. "Hah! As if I'd serve some lowly human! Now lemme-!!" He cut himself go as he got a better look at my face. Seeing as he thought I was a male, he must have never seen a female before.

"Hold up! You're a girl?!" I crossed my arms and glares at the two. "Well, of course I'm a girl!! What did you think I was?!" Raising my voice, this made the two flinch while the man had tightened his grip on Grim. This got my blood boiling a little. "And would you let him go a little! You look like you're about to suffocate Grim!!"

This had him release his grip on Grim, as the creature soon jumped over to me and soon jumped into my arms, which caught me by surprise. "Hmph..." the man glared and crossed his arms. "Yes, yes. Rebellious familiar always say that. But, why jump in her arms now?" He sounded annoyed by now, having lost his grip on the cat. "And do be quiet for a bit, would you?" This had me glare up at the weird crow, keeping grim in my arms in a firm grip, but not so he's uncomfortable.

"Leave him alone! He may have wanted these robes I'm wearing, but he's done nothing wrong!!" My yelling caught him off guard, and I noticed him take a small step back. Good, because he had no idea what I was capable of. However, he regained his composure and sighed. "Goodness... of all the students I've dealt with, you're the first with temerity enough to open their own gate, and step out of it."

"Well, that weird thing wasn't exactly strong enough to hold me. I just needed to give it a small push and the hinges came off rather easy." This had Grim look at me with, shock and soon he was nuzzling into me. It didn't really bother me much, since I've always been rather good with animals back on earth. Sure I helped Bulma make things, but that was more on the side. After the cell games, I actually helped Android 17 with looking after the animals on the planet at his park.

"Well, does the notion of patience elude you, young lady?" This brought me back to the present, and I glared at him once again. "No, it doesn't–" he put a hand up and looked away, now getting me very angry. "No matter. Your orientation has already begun." Clenching my teeth, my glare increased on him. Interrupting me, was a big mistake on his end. He has no idea what I can do to him.

"Let us return to the mirror chamber."
Hey everyone!! I'm back with another chapter!! What do you think so far?! Do you like how I made grim more friendly with the reader? I think he'd get along with her just fine once he realizes that she's not human, and moreover a strong person at that. Once he finds out that she's an alien though, I'm sure he'd be happy to listen to her more. Well, leave a comment on what you wanna see happen next, and I'll see you guys next week when I update the next chapter which takes place in the mirror chamber. Bye!!

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