Prologue 7 - A Chandelier Catastrophe! One last Chance!

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A/n - HEY GUYS!!! I'm back with a new chapter!! Before we begin though, I wanna thank everyone for all their support on this book!!

LIKE WE ARE ALREADY OVER 3,500 reads!!! Seriously, this is amazing!!! I'm so grateful for all of you guys, and the love and appreciation you have for this project!! I never ever thought that this would be possible, if it weren't for you guys!!! Th...

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LIKE WE ARE ALREADY OVER 3,500 reads!!! Seriously, this is amazing!!! I'm so grateful for all of you guys, and the love and appreciation you have for this project!! I never ever thought that this would be possible, if it weren't for you guys!!! Thank you, SO MUCH!!!

Now let's continue on with the journey!!
3rd POV

While Crowley and Y/n stare down at Ace, who was hesitant in sharing his name, their feelings of anger only began to grow with his continued silence. Eventually, the red head looked down, knowing that he wasn't going to get away with this. "My name is Ace Trappola..." he finally answered, rather reluctantly, "I'm a freshman..."

Y/n only shook her head, disappointed in the fact that Ace was trying to run. The masked headmage, known as Dire Crowley, simply glared at the redhead before him. "Then listen well, Trappola." The Crow man spoke, his tone, low and very intimidating. His gaze then switching over to the woman next to him, who was holding the little furball, known as grim. "You as well, Y/n." he soon got the woman's attention, making her gaze at him, in a rather confused manner, on what he wanted to say to her. "As your punishment for picking a fight, with a teacher, no less, you are hereby ordered to wash 100 windows."

This order had the young freshman stare at the man before him completely baffled. At the same time, the black haired woman only stared at him, confused, wondering whether she was to do this as well, or if she was supposed to watch over him. "Um... you mean I have to also? or is it just ace?" Y/n then tilted her head, as her thoughts ran rampant in her mind. Meanwhile, Ace could only stare in shock at this order. He knew what the Headmaster wanted, but still wanted to know if the woman was to do it with him as well. "Eh?! I have to do it, too?!" Crowley only shook his head now, understanding that the two were confused as to what he meant.

"Ahem Allow me to clarify – you, Ace, will be doing this alone. And therefore, Miss Y/N will simply be supervising you." His clarification made more sense to the woman, however, it only disappointed the ginger male further, knowing he was to do this all alone. No help from her whatsoever. "you both are to meet in the cafeteria after classes are finished. Are we clear?"

Seeing as the Saiyan woman was off the hook, this made a sulk even more. The boy was absolutely devastated that only he got in trouble, but feeling how the woman next to him was only smirking, even if her gaze was away from him, had only made his depression rise more. As the day continued on, Y/N had already become very popular with the students of the school, as both the freshmen, and the sophomores began to adore her. Even the more athletic students enjoyed her training regimen for them, and seeing how strong she was before classes even started, had quite a few of them respect her.

It wasn't until after the school day ended, that she and Grim had met in the cafeteria, to wait for Ace, so that he could do his punishment. "I'm surprised you didn't get in trouble, boss." The gray cat spoke catching the woman's attention "guess the Headmage trusts you a lot, huh?" His question had the alien girl chuckle for a moment and nod, all while she set up the room, so that Ace could wash the hundred windows around them. "but, I'm a little upset that Ace isn't here yet! he shouldn't make us wait this long!" This had the feline growl lowly, while the Onyx eyed female looked around and found it somewhat suspicious that her own student hadn't shown up yet.

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