Chapter Seven

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"Hey, where have you been?" Michael asked Onyx.

"Effie and I flew really far away to a random forest and enjoyed each other's company for a while." He answered

"You know it's an egg year, right?" Michael replied

"I figured as much, but I feel weird about having children, and having them grow up with one of my descendants they would call their aunt." Onyx admitted.

"You think that's weird, imagine what their parents will think when they get brought back and immediately get grandchildren, weird is going to be a normal thing here." Michael laughed.

"That's a good point, and Effie was mentioning how she wanted more children." Onyx replied.

Michael nodded, and watched as two young, black dragons walked by, holding tails.

"Young love is definitely alive here. Wait, is that Star and Mark? I haven't seen them since their ceremony. I wonder what they think about the egg year?" Michael spoke

"The community around here knows about it, so I expect they do as well." Onyx added

"Star is a royal, and she lives right next to Ember, so maybe they will also join the group." Michael replied.

"I've seen them talking a lot." Onyx looked back to Michael "Ember seems to like her."

Michael nodded "And then we should take everybody, and move them to the palace when the hatchlings get bigger."

Onyx recoiled "Really? I haven't been to the palace in a long time."

Michael laughed and shook his head "It's not the dark temple, you don't have to be afraid of it."

Onyx chuckled and walked away, giving him a sidelong glare every once in a while. Michael turned and walked in the same direction as the two earlier dragons.

Spyro woke and jerked his head up, he was laying around Cynder and there was a strange yellow crystal next to the bed.

"You need to learn to relax." Cynder told him. "This is the third time you have burnt yourself out, and this is the worst time."

Spyro sighed "I know, but I need to help people."

There was a knock on the door and Cynder yelled that is was open.

Nuri walked into the house and walked up to the bedroom.

"You can come in." Cynder called again.

"Hi there, Michael told me what happened." Nuri greeted them.

"I lost my energy when I changed forms, and I didn't rest. I need to go in a minute and finish the selection." Spyro told her.

"First, I need to tell you something; Spyro, your father had the same issues when he was young, but you need to calm down, Providence will likely be your last adventure for a while, so you need to learn to care only for your friends and family. This year is an egg year, so I know you will be joining in on it, but that will be different, your instincts will give you strength and energy. But now I want you to learn to forget about everybody. The only people that should matter to you are those close to you. I know this sounds bad, but you have done enough for everybody, now is for you. You will be fighting evil again in your future, that's what your next trip is for, but you have peace now, and Michael will protect it." Nuri looked at the two mates with loving eyes. "And I can not wait to meet my great-grandchildren, they are going to be adorable."

They both blushed, Spyro coughed and got up, he picked up the yellow crystal and absorbed its energy, then kissed Cynder. He quickly nuzzled Nuri and rushed out of the house. Nuri turned back and nuzzled Cynder a bit, she blushed at the affection and smiled at her. She nuzzled her harder and made her laugh.

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